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Racism in skyrim


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Morrowind had definite "racism" - specifically against the beast races (Khajit & Argonian in particular). You also had the Dunmer, who more or less hated anyone not Dunmer, although they hated the beast races even more. If you played as a Dark Elf in that game you would have an easier time (at first especially) talking to people and getting information from them.

Oblivion had dialogue, more in some places than others, that indicated some "racism" existed, but it never really felt like it had any effect on you as the player.

I would like it if Skyrim was more like Morrowind, in that it made a difference what race you chose - ie. choosing Nord would give you +10 personality with Nord NPCs whereas Dark Elf or High Elf would have a -5 or -10 personality and the other races would all be in between... things like that help to make a game world come alive. ;)


Hmm,.. your right, but I disagree on it having any real effect other than a few khajit rotting in tiny cage cells. Morrowind's racism didn't 'show' itself too well because of the limitations of the game.

completely agree that Oblivion simply did not do anything to this effect.. a dialog here or a dialog there doesn't even scratch the surface of racism.

What I would like to see in Skyrim is

1: Slave Traders- FUNCTIONAL slave traders

2: Slave Trappers- or whatever they would be called.

3: Some select NPC's with high distaste with certain races, enough that you can say, wow, now theres a racist.

4: Tavern brawls started via hate of another race

5: Guards placing a silly fine on someone because of their race(they can be verbal about their race being scum to make it more obvious)


You know, things like that... not some silly disposition modifyer of some puny amount.

(better hope the guard that turns me in isn't racist against me!)

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Well I for one play as a dunmer so I am a firm believer in argonian genocide. Stupid lizards and the horrible lisp. Really you'll hear FUSSSSSSSS DO RAHSSsssSsSSSSSss. Plus they molt every were!



Dunmer shall rule all of tamriel for we are the supreme race


how does it feel now that your homeland belongs to Argonians?

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Well I for one play as a dunmer so I am a firm believer in argonian genocide. Stupid lizards and the horrible lisp. Really you'll hear FUSSSSSSSS DO RAHSSsssSsSSSSSss. Plus they molt every were!



Dunmer shall rule all of tamriel for we are the supreme race


how does it feel now that your homeland belongs to Argonians?


I second that :devil:

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Well I for one play as a dunmer so I am a firm believer in argonian genocide. Stupid lizards and the horrible lisp. Really you'll hear FUSSSSSSSS DO RAHSSsssSsSSSSSss. Plus they molt every were!



Dunmer shall rule all of tamriel for we are the supreme race


how does it feel now that your homeland belongs to Argonians?


I second that :devil:

That why I am now a supporter of argonian genocide in the words of my Orc friend general drak "SLAY THEM ALL!"

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I loved freeing slaves in Morrowind, I would like to see that concept in Skyrim but not a big part of it. :thumbsup:
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High Elves are the snobs who hate their bloodthirsty cousins the Dark Elves. However they band together against their pot-smoking animal-loving relatives the Wood Elves in a bid to get them clean. All Elves are jealous of the Orcs because of their to-die-for physique, while the Orcs despise them because they're panzies who use magic from afar. Orcs want eat tasty breton... their magic resistant hide tastes gggreat! Bretons hate Elves for their arcane mastery, while Imperials hate Bretons as they are not of pure human blood. The Argonions smell (its not their fault they like marshes!) so everyone treats them like sh*t. The lions are too proud and no one likes a show-off (Hair!). Redguards are too busy being cool to annoy anyone. The moral of the story: everyone is discriminated against...
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They already had some general racism in Oblivion but they never focused too hard on it. Daedra of course saw every mortal as unworthy scum. Malacath and his followers didn't like non-orcs. In one of the SI side quests one of the crazies hated cats to the point that he wouldn't give Khajit his quest. That said, it is true that it did not feel as though racism was as prevalent in Oblivion as one may expect. It was always more subtle like all the guards are always Imperial. Edited by justwannaddl
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They already had some general racism in Oblivion but they never focused too hard on it. Daedra of course saw every mortal as unworthy scum. Malacath and his followers didn't like non-orcs. In one of the SI side quests one of the crazies hated cats to the point that he wouldn't give Khajit his quest. That said, it is true that it did not feel as though racism was as prevalent in Oblivion as one may expect. It was always more subtle like all the guards are always Imperial.


THATS hubris... not racism... damn daedra....(maybe a bit of both..?)

they fall just as easily as any other race, bastards have no right thinking they are so high and mighty.

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Well they could definately take a page from biowares dragon age origins. That game was thick with racism between the humans, elves, and dwarves. I love how the redguard don't really hate any of the other races and non of the other races seem to hate them.....actually don't the redguard hate nords because they are too barbaric?
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