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things you found weird about cyrodiil


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I find it strange that the inhabitants of Sheogorath's realm, despite living in a realm defined by the very whims of Sheogorath, instead choose to worship the invisible ghost of some strange Jim Jones-esque "prophet" who killed over 200 of his followers either through a drug overdose or by cutting out all of their hearts (the story varies from one side to the other) before killing himself.
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(I don't think it would be very LEGAL if you played a game where you could take a huge battleaxe and cleave a little kid on half :ohmy: )


Wait, there's a mod for children, correct?


And Deadly Reflex allows you to cut people in half AND behead them...


Talk about extreme parenting...


Sounds delicious.


Why the hell can't you do necromancy? Like, wouldn't it be awesome if you could walk into a graveyard and get a load of zombies.


Why the hell is the concept art for Leyawiin so cool but Leyawiin is so crap?



Why are there weapons shops in every town?I mean you just wouldn't be able to get your hands on so much weaponry for so cheap.


How come the towns are so small?


Why do bandits magically have access to loads of deadric and glass armour, but the legion only gets shitty stuff?


Why are there so few guardsmen compared to Bandits?


Why do so few people have jobs?


Is that enough for you?



wait there's more:


How come no one else does what you do?


Why the hell to people have calipers, tongs, repair hammers and shears in their houses?


How come everyone says its so hard to detect vampires when it's so blindingly obvious?


How come everyone, no matter how old or active, has perfect bodies?


How come you don't sleep?


How come people can be smashed in the face with a huge warhammer and still live?


I think that's enough now. :whistling:


I've got more:


How come everyone is the same height (in the same race)?


Why are wood elves a different race when they are so clearly just midget high elves (in apearance)?


Why is it so small?


How come no one (apart from Sheogorath) has a beard? I mean, there aren't any razors, so they must use swords or something


How come you can become head of a guild in a week? Seriously, it's like 15 (or less, I forget) quests or something for the fighters guild!


When you have a disease it barely affects you?


How the hell can you jump on top of peoples heads and no one gives a damn?


At the Battle of Bruma about 10 people turn up! Epic or what?


Dropping stuff on people doesn't hurt them, even if it's a watermelon.-From Crimson King. Or swords!


I think that's enough.

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No one is suspicious if your trespassing while invisible but you're carrying a torch.


Even if you're the head of every guild, own the max number of houses, the Champion of Cyrodil, etc. that guy in Cheydnhall (or however that's spelled) NEVER invites you to ANY of his bloody parties. :(


Also, people will still try to rob you even if they KNOW it's a death wish.


Every animal other than deer will attack everything that moves yet the Legion is always out to get those poor things.


Everyone freaks out when you close an Oblivion Gate, even if it's really not such a big deal and everyone already knows how to do it.


No matter how much you drink, you never get drunk like poor old Aldos (cliff racers flyyyyyyy sooo hiiiiiiiiiiiigh)


It's totally normal to run around naked except for a daedric helm and war hammer.

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How the emperor just stands there when he gets assassinated


How meat that has been cooking over a fire for hours is still raw


How you can slash at someone with a sword a bunch of times, and they can still walk away


How people just leave gold and potions sitting in crates out in the streets


How jumping off of a bridge doesn't hurt you, but then you fall 3 feet and you lose health


How people sit down at a table that has plates and utensils set at it, and the eat with their hands anyways. And they say that Cyrodill is civilized. Pah. :P


HOw YOU just stand there when he dies:/

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How come that clearly alcoholic Imperial Guard in the Wawnet Inn hasn't been fired for drinking all day long instead of patrolling? Does Cyrodiil not have drop-in AA centres?


All the beggars seem to be resting actors fallen on hard times, switching voices from village idiot to BBC newsreader and back as the whim takes them.


Underwear is glued on -- you can't loot it from corpses (perhaps because they haven't changed it in years as houses have no bathrooms).

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Why are there weapons shops in every town?I mean you just wouldn't be able to get your hands on so much weaponry for so cheap.


How come no one (apart from Sheogorath) has a beard? I mean, there aren't any razors, so they must use swords or something

From Crimson King. Or swords!


I think that's enough.


Here you have obviously replied to your own question... lol


I thought it was pretty hilarious when the adoring fan told me (rumors) that 'it's all fake and berry sauce in the arena'


When i was a 75 or 100 vampire, I joined that vampire hunter team in imperial city...


When you wake people up, they always go back to sleep in a completely different bed, sometimes a few rooms away.. Weirdos


BTW, reply to something 15 pages ago (keano..) A peninsula is a semi-islang init? an island somewhere joined to the land..

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inkheart449 says

I find it VERY odd that you can go into a building and kill everyone in it then lock the door to the point where it needs a key and yet guards STILL come through the door

And the door is still locked!

It's not like that unlock it they just appear through the door!


Maybe the guards know how to use the unlock console command. :D

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