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So who wants to be a dragon!?


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We'll, i certainly do! We havent heard anything about becomming one or any other animal yet, but still, some smart guy or gal out there will make a mod like this ;)

I mean, hell, it would be fun! Just randomly plucking up a innocent traveler then throwing him away like a ragdoll "WEEEE!!!!" (This is why i should NOT be aloud to stay up after 1:00am). Or battling a dozen archers whoms arrows will bounce of your awshum dragonscalish skin!


Then... you can turn your companions into dragons too! YEAH!! And we can fly all over skyrim with companion dragons following behind us! Or get them to have a ride on top of you! Haha im random... Thats my problem...


And if you can give birth to children in skyrim, they could ALSO have the power to transform into an awshum dragon :D (Like Father/Mother, like Son/Daughter)


Or you can turn into one as a last resort if ur near death. Teach those badguy assholes they "messed with the wrong dragon-transforming Dovakiin!".

Prehaps, maybe i could tell the ladies i am one just so they would faun over me XDD.

Hmmm... then we would have to deal with dragonslaying wannabes...


Its like what Garret Hawke once said: "I want to be a dragon!"


So, thoughts people?

Edited by TheMysteriousTraveler
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I want to be a dragon! I'd sit on my DRAGON THRONE and wear my DRAGON CROWN and I'd fly into my DRAGON TOWN and do an awesome DRAGON ROAR and all the people would stare in awe and say HOLY f*** THAT'S AWESOME and then I'd eat them because I'M A DRAGON I DO WHAT I WANT! Edited by Alcrin
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lols.. this could possibly maybe be in xD .. I highly doubt it but at one point someone asked todd if we could fly dragons "early on before he got tired of saying no" he sorta paused and went "ehh.. not exactly .. no .. not like you are thinking" .. I figured it might be a quicktravel mythod late game a the time. Edited by jedimembrain
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To be a Dragon in Skyrim and change whenever I please would be amazing. If you could communicate with other ancient Dragons and learn their secrets. Or make enemies with other Dragons and have epic Dragon to Dragon fights. Also choose what shouts your Dragon can do. They did say Dragons use shouts. :thumbsup:
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I like the concept, personally, if anyone is planning to make something like this then I hope they make it like the transformation in "Divinity II", I liked it, but I couldn't use it everywhere and I couldn't even see any ground units!
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that would be awesome :D! but wouldnt it be better if there was a dragon race? like argonian, but with a dragon head, and bigger body? and that wears an amulet when in anthro form, but when he takes if off :O BAM hes a dragon~


I recall there was a mod like taht for oblivion... I just typed in Dragon in the tesnexus search engine and it poped up.


I want to be a dragon! I'd sit on my DRAGON THRONE and wear my DRAGON CROWN and I'd fly into my DRAGON TOWN and do an awesome DRAGON ROAR and all the people would stare in awe and say HOLY f*** THAT'S AWESOME and then I'd eat them because I'M A DRAGON I DO WHAT I WANT!


...And own a floating mansion lifted up by argonian slaves forced to flap their arms really hard?

Yes, i saw your post on the fan loot thread :P

Edited by TheMysteriousTraveler
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