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Annoying Infamy


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Does anyone else get annoyed by the infamy in the game? I do. Not so much with "Oh no, I have infamy, people dislike me!" but more along the lines of "I completed a witness-less assassination for the dark brotherhood, why does everyone in cyrodill know about it?" Perhaps something for Bethesda to look into improving in their next game.
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Those damned gods! They don't speak to anyone about "how to help people" or "something bad is about to happen" but they will gladly gossip with the locals? Grrrrr. I find it annoying that my character can't live a double life. Appearing good and nice by doing fighter's guild quests, then secretly assassinate 20 or 30 people for profit.
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in all honesty, if i had divine powers; helping people would get boring real quick. Laughing at the inferior mortals with my godly mates would be a much better use of my time. :)


Fallout 2 was onto something. they had reputation (a record of only what the people knew about) and karma (a record of every little thing you do)


Hopefully Fallout 3 might think about it

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Hahahahahahaha even I get badmouthed in the game and say a special response I made to smarten them up. Saying like don't mess with me and stuff lol! Dude, you really gotta calm down. It's only a game. Yes, I agree that Bethesda has made a few errors like those annoying guards saying 'Stop criminal! You violated the law!', and I gotta keep telling them 'I'm not giving in!' It's rather annoying, although the guards weren't like that in Morrowind. If your bounty was too high, they say 'You got a death warrant', and just kick all their arses lol! I'm thinking of making it so that you can actually fight the guards without them trying to arrest you. You can enjoy a full riot, criminals! lol!(if you rather call yourself a god in Oblivion, that could work too) XD.


Anyway, a person as I said, badmouths you, like he's being a smart*ss. You tell him off, and you pwn3d him lol! It's almost like he don't know who he's dealing with! In the game, my guy's also a God hahahahahahaha!

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There is a mod that attaches infamy to a set of clothes instead of to you.

Like if you kill someone wearing say, a bandit's outfit, the infamy is attached to the bandit's outfit and people will only talk smack to you if you wear that outfit.

I forgot the name of the mod though.

There is a thread where you can ask one of the forum moderators to find the mod for you, if you aren't able to find it yourself.

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