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People are going to hate me for saying this, but what is so wrong with camping?


Battlefield is a team game, not a DM game like cod. Camping is pretty much the only way you can effectively defend a point.

Thank you for saying that. "Camping" is a completely legitimate tactic. It's somewhat like people who play fighting games and get mad at the other guy for "spamming." If spamming makes me keep winning because someone doesn't learn from his or her mistakes, I'm going to keep doing it. Maybe you shouldn't keep running across that field. So if I need to defend a base, I'm not going to run all over the place and expose myself. I see staying concealed and stationary - in a safe place - as the simply logical thing to do.


Battlefield is certainly a different kind of shooter game. The "recon" class is not the "sniper" class, if anyone knows what I mean.

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Battlefield is certainly a different kind of shooter game. The "recon" class is not the "sniper" class, if anyone knows what I mean.


i am very good at recon. although i suck at actual sniping, there are times where i sit back in a roof and just spot the hell out of ppl and throw motion sensors. only taking the occasional shot. i did get very many kills, or high scores (though with B3 awarding points for spawning i think you see recons getting higher scores) but my team always did very well because they always knew where the other person was because of me.


even if im running around the map, im always throwing motion sensors and almost always spot before i shoot.


recon is my favorite class by far. then medic (i just like being the support character. no matter the game im always the one with the buffs.)

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Thank you for saying that. "Camping" is a completely legitimate tactic.


I like to call it holding ground. During rush, you'll need "campers" to back up the "bomb placers". If you make your whole team rush to the objectives, you'll just be wasting tickets as you're prone to be easy targets. *trollface*

Edited by Yoshh
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The Audio team actually goes down to a miltary armory/range where they can record the audio right from the weapons being fired. One they get that in game the engine which is designed with Enviromental Audio Effects in mind so sound will reverb off walls sound more faint the futher off they are and drown other sounds out if a much louder sound is a lot closer.
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battlefield is one of the fewer games where sound actually matters. in bfbc2 i cant tell you how many times i heard a guy trying to sneak up behind me to knife me and i turned around and shot him in the face.


speaking of knifing, are the mechanics different or something? i was never a good knifer to begin with, but i stabbed someone yesterday who never knew i was there and he didnt die?

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Quick knifeing doesn't work like it did in BC2 it actually plays out a lot more like it did in BF2 however instead of one shot slashing the knife does only a certain amount of damage. If you want an instant kill you actually have to Draw your knife out and attack with it but not let the button go while your close and this will trigger an animation where you drive that knife home into the fella for a true instant kill.
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You can let it go. once the animation starts you are unstoppable.

If you get killed half way through though you still get their tags. the way i see it, is that if you are killed then the person who does the killing gets extra points and his buddy gets saved.


Quick knife must be done twice for a kill at full health. if they are lower than 50% than its a one shot. best to make sure and do it the slow way.


On a side note, im pretty sure if you press quick knife while behind them, then it starts the animation. This was either a lucky bug, or a good feature. i havent been able to replicate it because i havent got close to another enemy lol.

You have no idea how much ive accidentally pulled out the grenade instead of the knife, then the enemy turns around does a trollface, then kills me because im still fumbling around defenseless.

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