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obvious plot gap is really horrifically obvious now.


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Right so since the NCR can cross in a arguably more difficult manner then before and have had the majority of their forces blown up with reletively minimal casualties to the Legion the NCR now have an edge.


You have really flawed logic. You first say that it would be harder to cross then you say it would be easier to cross but only for the NCR for no determinable reason. Again its a river, tactics 101 a hill does not take sides its just a hill it just sits there but it can help you if you get on it before your enemy does because then youll have the high ground. The environment doesnt take sides The Legion werent the ones that got at least 70% of their forces killed and got their heads chopped off(Oliver is at the dam).



Plus they dont have to cross the river. The Legion can just cut north and go around Lake Mead ignoring the river and crater with the NCR unable to intercept then the Legion would just cut south and take the Long-15 into NCR territory and set up a new front line after they get a few miles in.

Edited by ModelV
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You just need to shut up now, you cant even read right. At no point did i say the NCR would cross in my last post, I said it would be easier for them to thwart the crossing of the river. Which when you know anything about the NCR and Legion makes sense, you can shoot farther than you can throw as a general rule. Then when you include the larger array of projectile and energy weapons the NCR could field than the Legion, it makes them far better at defence than the Legion could be.


Now step the hell back read a post properly before you open your mouth and look like a fool, yet again.


As for going around, they would have to go all the way east and north to Utah to cross at Driftwood Cove and then again at either Riverside, Bunkerville, or Mesquite. Thats two river crossings to make, and by then, as the 2nd crossings all parallel the long 15, NCR could easily have moved troops up to counter thus creating another stalemate further up the river.


The terrain is the key to any war, even more so here than usual.



I suggest you take a deep breath before you post when you feel you aren't capable of being civil. You can take a strike, now, and think about what you've done. -myrmaad

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  On 10/8/2011 at 8:55 PM, minngarm said:

The terrain is the key to any war, even more so here than usual.



seeing how this game has played out much of the war


its all about how willing each side is to sacrifice its members


Searchlight -- sacrificed legion to kill the NCR


Boulder City -- massacred the NCR (notice the ranger's bodies) to stop the Legion.


obviously neither side cares about its soldiers.


for further proof consider the state of NCR weaponry ---- while they have access to the Gunrunners factory - just pay the blighters to keep NCR's items in even passable condition.


and the Legion's stated hatred of tech (while Caesar keeps a prized item in his footlocker)


Clearly both sides are delusional and seem to be using the war to keep their populations in check. (More evidence to their delusions abound in the game)

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True, then theres always the possibility that if the Legion couldnt advance, or found itself loosing, Caesar may consider lifting some of his own tech bans in order to turn the tide. His is not by some strict scripture choice, but rather laws he himself sets for the legion and thus could rectify any mandate he found unconveniant at a later time.
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  On 10/8/2011 at 9:07 PM, minngarm said:

True, then theres always the possibility that if the Legion couldnt advance, or found itself loosing, Caesar may consider lifting some of his own tech bans in order to turn the tide. His is not by some strict scripture choice, but rather laws he himself sets for the legion and thus could rectify any mandate he found unconveniant at a later time.

define hypocrite (as applied to Kay-sar)

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They dont even have to leave Nevada.


Cross here:



But yes i missed a part of your point about the Bog but the rest of your flawed logic still applies They NCR couldnt do crap with 70% of their army killed almost instantly. The Legion already cross the Colorado river all the time they NCR cant hold the river with all the troopers they have they definitely wont be able to hold it after the Dam is nuked.

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