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"Launch oblivion" mod manager problem


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I have a problem (that presists with obse to) that when I launch oblivion with the "launch oblivion" button or "obse_loader" it all works fine but 1 small thingie...

There is no cursor ORRRR buttons to press (options etc) does anyone know about this problem and has a fix


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No custom launchers work

Edited by KennetRoer2
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First check to see if just left-clicking will bring up the cursor.


If it doesn't, open the Oblivion ini, and scroll down to the "controls" section. Look for the line "bUseBackgroundMouse=0" If the value is set to 1, change it to 0.

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After checking, i saw that i slightly misquoted that ini line. The correct line is "bBackgroundMouse". When set to 1 it can cause the mouse cursor to stay on the desktop window, making it invisible and unusable in the game window.


If that doesn't work, providing the following info might help us understand the problem;


Post your load order


What game version do you have, Retail DVD, Steam, other?

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There is no bBackgroundmouse

Load order



unofficial oblivion patch

DLC Horsearmor











Better Dark Brotherhood Sancturay


Vampire race reloaded


Extremely powerful items at start and weighless (don't hate :P)


DeadlyReflex 5- Combat moves

[unCHECKED]DeadlyReflex 5 - Timed block and 150% damage

[unCHECKED]DeadlyReflex 5 - Timed Block with no damaga

Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed block and 250% damage


I have a fully patched retail version.

and what would bBackgroundmouse helps with the buttons not showing up?

And the other loaders (obse obmm) doesnt have that starting load screen (on launch) like the oblivion.exe has


If nothing helps deadly reflex will have to go bye bye

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If you don't have that line, then something is very wrong with your ini. Delete the ini, and run the game using the OblivionLauncher.exe (not OBSE loader or Oblivion.exe). The game will re-detect your hardware and generate a fresh ini file. May or may not fix this issue, but it only takes a minute so it's worth a shot.


As far as the buttons not showing up, i remember this happening to me once. I think it was when i experimented with thi ini line i mentioned, but it was so long ago i can't be sure.


The OBSE loader will never take you to the Oblivion launch menu, that's the way it was designed to work. The OBMM "launch Oblivion" button is not a loader per se, just a shortcut, it detects wether you use OBSE or not and uses the appropriate loader.


I highly doubt Deadly Reflex could be the cause of this, as it doesn't affect the main menu. The only mods that would are UI mods, and i don't see any of those in your load order.


The title of your post implies that this only happens when starting the game from OBMM's "launch Oblivion" Button. If this is true, a simple solution would be to just not use it. Create a desktop shortcut to the OBSE loader instead.

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I don't have any bBackgroundMouse (or bBackGroundMouse or any variation thereof) in my working game's Oblivion.ini, nor can I find any reference to it in Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide ini Tweaks section. Could this ini tweak be one that was added by a mod?
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