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Falling Rocks Spell?


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Hey there


I've seen a spell on YouTube of a spell that made boulders fall from above and pile up; it could be used to block passages or crush enemies. It was basically just the same thing as the traps in dungeons and caves. Thng is I can't seem to find it, can anyone tell me where I can get ahold of it? Prefrably as a stand-alone mod?


It would be useful to have.



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Unless the person who made the Youtube clip made a custom spell the actual falling rock sequence is in the Construction Set under Activators\Caves\Mines\Traps as CTrapCaveIn01. The trigger script is CTrapCaveIn01Script. You can modify the script for your own use. This is where the rocks fall from the roof of a cave and you'll also need a trigger like a pressure plate or tripwire if it's meant to be a trap.


Otherwise if it's to be seen as a natural phenomenon like a weakening of a cave roof wall or something like that you can use an invisible activator or hide a normal one in the environment. There's also the rolling rocks trap under Activators if you're interested in that one.


It's pretty easy to set up traps using the default resources from the game.



An example is included in the My First Dungeon Tutorial



Here's a tutorial for casting spells from activators which could be used for the falling rocks. You still need an activator, script and trigger.



It may all look daunting but it's not that hard really if you follow the steps. :)


Edit: You may find a similar spell in Midas Magic or one of the other magic mods, but I haven't played the game for awhile so I can't confirm. it.

Edited by Maigrets
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I suppose it can be easily done, but if you wish to block passages permanently, it may cause save bloat, and that's not good I hear.

Without OBSE, I'm thinking about casting a targetspell, where it hits, rocks will be spawned in the air, and they would havoc and thus create a blockage and cause damage.

Problem is, they are there forever, since you cannot delete them. and if you cast the spell too much, savebloat comes and screws your saves.

With OBSE, you could make the boulders dissapear after a time, because you can delete them, but then they'd be gone.


I like the idea!

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Thank you all.


hm, one waya round bloating would be to make a save file especially to use the spell on (for screenshots and the like) then delete it and revert to a previous save. Or just for playing around and crushing bandits. =D


I'll have a look at Midas Magic, but I like to keep my game a 'lore-correct' and vanilla as possible.


Sadly i'm not a modder (though I do wish to learn for Skyri) so making this, even if its easy, is beyond me.

Edited by Alixen
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I have now created such spell with OBSE: cast it on a living actor, and boulders will drop on him doing damage and dissapearing after 10 seconds, when they'd be too slow to cause any harm. The damage can be levelled, but I scaled it with the players Destruction and Intelligence. It's damn fun.
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I've created a video of the spell, and will upload the .esp as soon as possible.

The damage will be different then it is with the traps, I've scaled it with the players Destruction skill and Intelligence / 2. It makes it applyable to all levels and three times as lethal, and that's just with a lv 1 non-mage. A lv 1 Altmer Mage will have about ten times its strength. I must tinker with the damage some more, but it is incredibily fun to sweep away hordes of goblins in one spell.

You can see the video

, or below.





And voila: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40607

Edited by Faceshifter
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