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I could see using the rendering engine and maybe even the maps in a multi-player context, but it would take years just to come up with good play mechanics that work for multiplayer.


I am not so concerned about level scaling (champions online, for example, solves that one rather nicely, with sidekick mode). But the entire design of the skill system and the equipment. The skill system in skyrim is designed for interacting with npcs and monsters, it's not designed nor relevant for multi-player.


For that matter, if you want a multiplayer game which is a fair test of skill, you need to get rid of the concept of "leveling" and "outfitting" and replace it with handicap system (which is sort of like leveling in reverse).


And that's not even getting into the design of the game synchronization that would have to be addressed for multi-player.

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  • 6 months later...

So... now that the MMORPG Elder Scrolls Online is coming, I think it is a perfect opportunity to test my list... Sooo sorry about the necro. Let us see how they are going to try to make this MMO really feel like a TES.


The 10 things people love about TES:

1:Open world with limitless possibility

Now the entirety of tamriel is available for exploration. Freeform and public dungeons, plenty of area for DLC, and you can go many places. We dont yet know if rival territories are off limits or not. We do however know that only the faction in control of the White Gold Tower can explore Cyrodiil, so that certainly can seem restricting.


2:The ability to actually look and play how you want to


No... its being cut back badly. You are a warrior or a mage or an archer. All of which are militarized. So sorry, I guess you cant be that flower merchant you always wanted to be. Oh and the character creation is cut down for the obvious reasons (200 players in a zone at a time)


3:The ability to choose based on your own moral principles


I would assume that there are no longer any NPCs that you can just trot right in and slaughter. And if you can pick PC pockets then there will be a lot of upset people... thing about videogames- no real consequences therefore no real rules. Of course they are attempting to place like-minded people into the similar covenants based on a backstory of historical principals... but what will prove true is the way the overall group plays not the fiction behind them.


4:The ability to accomplish and complete multiple questlines and receive some symbol of office


One person gets to be emperor... the person who spends all of their time playing (and no doubt all of their money too). If there is no level cap then there is only ever going to be one of 3 possible emperors. If there is a cap then the game will have to randomly select the leader... hardly seems fair. Some can only sacrifice 3 hours a day... not 23.


5:The ability to discover what you want, when you want


Certain areas will be too difficult for certain players. So they will either hide behind friends, or get slaughtered. You can only explore Cyrodill if your faction controls it. If you want to go one place, but your friends dont... then you either make new friends, or dont go. There is a real leader and follower dynamic. In TES you are your own leader.


6:The ability to challenge ones own patience, limits and skill and feel like you get better


This will be seen in the game... but like I said earlier. If there isnt a cap, only an elite few will be the best. If there is a cap, then you all will be the best. In TES, YOU are the best. There is no pressure from others to get good really fast. You can play at your own pace on your own time.


7:The fact that the game can be played multiple times and it is ALWAYS different


This will be hard to determine. Conversation, and strategies are certain to change dynamically. But the motions of the combat, the look of the world, and the fluidity of the experiences are what truly will determine the replay value of the MMO.


8:That you can seek out and collect a multitude of rare treasure


There is rare treasure, but the game is economized. So multiple people can have a rare item. People can camp for the respawns. So the treasure isnt ever unique, and scavengers are sure to get their hands on it.


9:The ability to waste time and roleplay however you choose to do so


Wasting time is easy with friends. Playing BF GF in an MMO is a common practice. But there arent any truly unique awe inspiring moments in a 3rd person MMO. You cant sit back and enjoy a truly one of a kind randomly generated sunset or aurora, or even a nice waterfall. There is always a tempo when friends are involved, and you have to keep the beat.


10: The Modding Community


They already mentioned that the mods will be very restricted if even existent.





Questions, comments, rebuttals?

Edited by Odai
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I wasn't expecting you to be so open minded about a MMO Elder Scrolls based on previous posts.


I believe that it is possible to still role play in a MMO Elder Scrolls and just because you have to level up a bit before going to a new area isn't too much problem unless it takes ages to move on- talking about months per area. This is progression and improvement, it allows one to feel accomplishment and to discover what you want [5], just not when you want. For example one could long to go over a mountain range but realise it requires a higher level; so one does some quests hopefully not grinding to level up high enough to explore over that mountain range - the problem is when you want to explore and is not really a big deal. I just hope it doesn't take months per area and at least each province has a starting area for each race as well as high level areas - without stealing ideas from of Guild Wars 2 :whistling:

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There actually one reason there wont be an effective multiplayer. Skyrim was designed for single player and whilst multiplayer would be truly awesome, I fail to believe that a successful existance would be able to come about :( sad
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Good thing the MMO is being designed by a different company and is so far back in the Timeline that the lore won't matter in the actual TES games. Everyone knows the mmo will suck, Zen is just trying to cash in on the MMO phase - shame that train left years ago.


You're trying too hard, mate. You can't compare something like Star Wars KotR and SWTOR; they're going to be completely different with the only similarities being "RPG" in the genre

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By some of the stuff I've read about ESO I understood there would be a level cap and that upon entering Cyrodiil every player was raised to that cap (as it's kinda one big battlefield) so they would be on equal ground.


I am interested to see how they level the world though. Will there be areas that you just can't go while a low level? Or will the encounters change based upon how many people you're with... I mean it's not real time combat anymore right? So things could be scripted to allow you run off on your own anywhere you want and face appropriate enemies.

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I'm buying the TESMMORPG. Seriously, are we going to buy this money scam. To me, it is a moral breech of fundemental Elder Scrolls fabric. I hate the concept of an Elder Scrolls multiplayer. Now days, people can buy Skyrim and people will be like THATS THE SICKEST GAME! or not rag on ya, when they release a WOW graphics like game, our rep will be ruined...
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