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More Hairstyles not showing up on Character Creator


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Okay, so it started when I wanted to download the Malcolm face mod, http://dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=650, and I downloaded all the required files listed in it. Malcolm's face came up in the character creator, and pineapples eyes show replacement is there, but none of the new hairstyles are there. I extracted all the files into the override folder like they say you have to. But the More Hairstyles mod by kzelsama just doesn't show up in the character creator, despite having one of the hairs show up on the malcolm preset. Think you guys can help me clear this up?
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Did you merge your xml files? Try this: CharGenMorph Compiler.



About that ... When I try to open the compiler, it says that access to the path is denied. What's weird is that when I tried to open it on my laptop, it did open despite it not having Dragon Age installed. But when I tried to open it on my computer, which actually has Dragon Age installed, it said that access is denied. Why does it happen?


Note: The processors on both the laptop and the desktop are Windows 7.

Edited by Jueg
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I had problems with the compiler in the past so I used the Chargenmorph.xml file from the Pretty Faces mod instead. It's under the Optional "For compatibility" file. It's pretty much already have the XML files complied with most of the popular chargen mods out there.
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