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heres one about crime....so when you commit a crime and the guard likes you he'll find you and take you outside city limits if you choose...but guard captains or w/e the eqivelant of a guard captain is in skyrim the guard will ake you to jail as usual but the guard capatin will pay your fine and free you..but the guard captains will be extremely hard to be high enough disposition for..and there is a gold cap to your bounty fine he wont pay 10078 septims to free you..thoughts of this and any thoughts to what they should do if your bounty is really high and he cant pay it?

hmm about armor enchantments i want armor to have a constant effect "on hit" properties...like if a character hits you with a melee weapon then that enchantment will activate dealing whatever enchantment it had on it...

would be awesome if we had a constant immolaton effect on the armor or just applys fire damage every time they hit you...

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*Remove On Strike Enchantments.

Instead, for an enchantment to take effect it must be a power attack.


-It Makes enchanted weapons less godly, and more tactical.

-There was nothing worse than completely exhausting your weapons power after each battle.

i actually only kept enchanted daggers in OB so i could save the power and use it when i want to apply it, not on every strike.

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*If you approach an npc who has just exited, or is in the midst of, A heated discussion, let us see his mood carry over to you.

VS- Approaching Alvor who had just had an angry talk with Hod and have him say "Greetings traveler :biggrin: "

(This could really add a new level to Speechcraft as you may lose opportunities or 'sweetspots'


(You wouldnt go asking your friend for a ride somewhere right after his Girlfriend screamed at him, would you....jerkface)

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Well at this point I am not gonna go through my 1000+ favors and find where that one is... TY for the verification. We had a few other things confirmed in recent weeks as well, but meh at this point its for the modders.
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<Previously discussed>

*Varying Health/stamina/magicka statistics for Same leveled Creatures/guards.

-The three wolves may all be the same level, but one wolf may have more stamina then its three Lvl 4 packmates.

-One may have more health. So that 30pt fireblast spell may only kill 3 of the Hounds and the last one may still get to maul you.


*Improved varying uses of the "Grab button

-While sprinting, it becomes a tackle option.

-During stealth, it can be a way to Grab your target, THEN kill him. instead of revealing yourself during the kill.

-Guards/marauders can use it on you to direct your movement. or hold you still.

-Using objects/bodies as shields against projectiles

-Bracing & forcing doors


*Movement speed affecting aggression/Morale/Detection.

-backing away slowly from a pack of snarling wolves=They forget you.

-Turn & run =Instinctual Chase


Slowling walking towards a dear/rabbit with an apple*grab function* and it may let you approach them.


<not in sneak mode> people will have a slight delay in noticing you while walking.


Standing up in a bar and Sprinting out<people will check theyre pockets/Everyones head will jerk to see whats happening>


*Comments upon your anomoly actions.

<Sprinting through town & people will say

"whats his hurry?"

"He must be late,,and She must be BEAUTIFUL"(Ezioo :tongue: )

"You could have hurt me!"

"Damn Nords, always rushing everywhere"


<Having your weapons out

"i dont want any trouble"

"Oh,,,so you wanna fight? isat it?!"

"Guard) hey, keep an eye on that one"

<Blood on your blade & unsheathed

"eye, what happened...."

"I hope he disserved it"

"Guards! Guards!! i think that man just killed someone!"


Guards to have Restricted Areas/

(Think AC, Or the Guard in Cheydinahall

have them stand in entrances or side by side,

And aplly the "Push" animation*Grab* when you get to close or try to sneak by )

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<Previously discussed>

*Varying Health/stamina/magicka statistics for Same leveled Creatures/guards.

-The three wolves may all be the same level, but one wolf may have more stamina then its three Lvl 4 packmates.

-One may have more health. So that 30pt fireblast spell may only kill 3 of the Hounds and the last one may still get to maul you.


*Improved varying uses of the "Grab button

-While sprinting, it becomes a tackle option.

-During stealth, it can be a way to Grab your target, THEN kill him. instead of revealing yourself during the kill.

-Guards/marauders can use it on you to direct your movement. or hold you still.

-Using objects/bodies as shields against projectiles

-Bracing & forcing doors


*Movement speed affecting aggression/Morale/Detection.

-backing away slowly from a pack of snarling wolves=They forget you.

-Turn & run =Instinctual Chase


Slowling walking towards a dear/rabbit with an apple*grab function* and it may let you approach them.


<not in sneak mode> people will have a slight delay in noticing you while walking.


Standing up in a bar and Sprinting out<people will check theyre pockets/Everyones head will jerk to see whats happening>


*Comments upon your anomoly actions.

<Sprinting through town & people will say

"whats his hurry?"

"He must be late,,and She must be BEAUTIFUL"(Ezioo :tongue: )

"You could have hurt me!"

"Damn Nords, always rushing everywhere"


<Having your weapons out

"i dont want any trouble"

"Oh,,,so you wanna fight? isat it?!"

"Guard) hey, keep an eye on that one"

<Blood on your blade & unsheathed

"eye, what happened...."

"I hope he disserved it"

"Guards! Guards!! i think that man just killed someone!"


Guards to have Restricted Areas/

(Think AC, Or the Guard in Cheydinahall

have them stand in entrances or side by side,

And aplly the "Push" animation*Grab* when you get to close or try to sneak by )

i really like all these ideas....on one idea I really want to be able to edit IN GAME is time scale....i want to edit the time scale to be normal or slower, normal is default every second is 1 minute in game time in oblivion i didnt like having to go to a dungeon then fast traveling back to city then it being night...=no loot sold until morning sigh such a hassle if you're like me who grabs every thing of value EVERYWHERE i want to be able to change it to real time...of course it has to be balanced so you cant have 1 hour per second :P maybe max coul be the default the game time is already quick enough slowest is real time

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