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Odai, do you think you can edit this in somewere in the guidelines.


Great games are played not made. – "You can have the greatest design document ever made, and you're going to change 90 percent of it as soon as you play the game."

Keep it simple. – Doing something really well takes time, more time than you think it will. Simple systems acting together create complexity that players can appreciate.

Define the experience - "Don't define your game by a list of bullet points... define it by the experience you want people to have."

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Odai, do you think you can edit this in somewere in the guidelines.


Great games are played not made. – "You can have the greatest design document ever made, and you're going to change 90 percent of it as soon as you play the game."

Keep it simple. – Doing something really well takes time, more time than you think it will. Simple systems acting together create complexity that players can appreciate.

Define the experience - "Don't define your game by a list of bullet points... define it by the experience you want people to have."

You stole that from my signature didn't you. :wink:

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Odai, do you think you can edit this in somewere in the guidelines.


Great games are played not made. – "You can have the greatest design document ever made, and you're going to change 90 percent of it as soon as you play the game."

Keep it simple. – Doing something really well takes time, more time than you think it will. Simple systems acting together create complexity that players can appreciate.

Define the experience - "Don't define your game by a list of bullet points... define it by the experience you want people to have."

You stole that from my signature didn't you. :wink:

Ye...........yes :whistling:

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*Code npc's to travel slower in Inclement weather (to simulate delays)

*When INSIDE a building(cell) allow us to hear muffled versions of actions outside the cell <Thunder,Dragon roar,Combat>

(this MAY be confirmed as in Demo pt 2 when entering Bleak Falls you hear a dragon roar, whether this was scripted or coincidental is unknown)


*Upon engaging a sleeping npc in conversation, apply the same concept when we engage npcs performing a job. Dont have him shift all of his attention towards us. So when you try talking to someone sleeping, code him to ask us "why are you disturbing me" and if you continue with talking to him he will stand up. if you leave him, or tell him somethin that isnt urgent, he will go back to sleep, or tell you to go away.


*Swinging a torch should ward off certain creatures.<Small Spiders, Rodents>

-Perhaps we can expand on this idea..Remember the quest were you have to go into an underground temple, with the sun fearing people?

Using your torch to sway them from attacking? what about Applying Light as a combat mechanic.

Such as tricking inexperienced vampires with light spells?

what do you think? :teehee:


Certain creatures in your presence should effectively deter others from attacking you.(priority filter)

EX:a frost troll will not try to ambush you if you are currently walking with giants.

Goblins will stay back if you are in comat with a dragon.

a small pack of wolves will hold of on attacking you if you are in a large group.



Thats all for now

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Those are some really good ideas... I mean, dragons came and cleared out all other baddies, but I certainly dont want to be swarmed by all the little critters of the forest at once.


Maybe even have them fight eachother.


wolf< sabretooth < troll = bear.


So tiers within animal classifications (mythical, construct, animal, undead, deadra, humanoids)


Then these tiers are comparable. When appropriate, they scare eachother away, or they fight eachother.

Edited by Odai
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One thing I'm really looking forward to, besides the modding, is that you can't just buy all the spells you need. You will have to explore and find the best spells and dragon speak. So if I play a magic user there maybe a little more incentive to cleaning out a dungeon than finding a bunch of loot that you can't use or that you sell and get coin that you have no reason to spend.
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*Interactable Practice dummies.You swing your sword it swings back.


* landing animations.(In creatures)

(Also after falling for more than 3 seconds make us begin ragdoll.)



*Allow two people to ride on most horses.

*Also while using sprint on Horsback re-apply the Shield charge mechanic to be able to bowl people over.

*Two handed weapons should have some sort of 'trip attack to be used to knock over Horseriders

*By pressing the attack button on horseback code the horse to rear up its hind legs in a kick attack(while static)


*Parinoya spell (Npc exclusive)

(When affected, your hearing becomes Untrustworthy and are no longer able to distinguish audio cues(Trap clicks,Footsteps, Grunts preluding to power attacks)

Instead these audio cues are replaced with randomised noises such as the sound of a Spider Clicking its mandibles, Rapid footsteps in different directions, Voices such as "arrest the prisoner" "Thats him! Kill the Dragonborn" "Put this poison in his drink"

Remember, its a Parinoya spell, not a Combat spell.


*For combat A.I. when an npc recognises that you are casting a Spray Spell<ice fire etc> code them to alter there attack path rather than try to take the brunto of it.

(This was in the demo pt.3 when the dragon breathed fire on you and the Whiterun guard stood and took the brunt of it.)

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I like that paranoia spell.


I think rather than being a spell it should be a witch curse. I mean really... whats the point of that being a spell? Someone casts it on you, you kill them... utterly pointless.


Now if the witch covens are still a big thing then different curses could be applied. Paranoia. A spell that makes enemies invisible and makes some things seem real, but arent...etc. (think the point lookout quest with the seeds). Then there could be a curse that halves your stamina (and therefore your encumbrance). There can be simple curses for lower level characters (curses that give you one of every disease), or really difficult and mentally challenging curses ( like making enemies appear in double and you have to differentiate between them, or make a little child that keeps appearing and disappearing. Everytime you encounter it, it does damage (think FEAR))


These curses can be from entering certain dungeons (like FO3 Vaults), or perhaps they are events that happen when you THINK you are helping someone in the middle of nowhere.


But as a spell, paranoia is pointless.

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