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I've been trying to find a solution to this problem for days now. Can someone help me make the first person camera move back down to normal? i would be really grateful.


I disabled all my mods, started a new game, changed the scale and it still isn't the way it should be. :wallbash:

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Unfortunately just disabling mods that replace your skeleton.nif doesn't remove the mod's file, so you're still seeing the skeleton.nif file the mod added. Using Windows Explorer navigate to the Oblivion\Data\meshes\characters\_1stperson folder. Find the file Skeleton.nif in that folder, right click it and then select 'Rename' from the right click menu. Change the name to Skeletonnif.old and hit enter to save the new name. If that doesn't solve your problem go back into Windows Explorer and change the name back using the same method.
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  • 3 weeks later...
<BR>Are you using (or have you used in the past) Deadly Reflex 6 or Unnecessary Violence II?<BR>
<BR>You need to download and install the first person fix, from the deadly reflex mod, regardless of what you have installed, this fix will fix your problem described! From experience, when loading up a previous game you may find your 1st person face in the middle of your horses neck, don't worry, just get off your horse and climb back on again and everything will be fine! Remember modding is all about adventure, trial and error! Edited by Zapata935
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