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anything i can do to get videos to upload faster?

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they used to be normal. i used to be able to watch a video, and it would load faster then it took to watch it, even on 720p or whatever, but now i have to usually let it sit for a couple of minutes to load, then play. and even then i catch up to it. and when watch a 15 minute youtube video, yea it takes a while for it to download...yesterday i just switched it to 240p and while it sucks, it would load fast enough. but now its still loading too slow even at 240p. idky.


im using Firefox, but its the same in Chrome as well....idk if there are settings i can change or something. i have no viruses or anything, checked it. ive used CCleaner to clean out my laptop. defrag is under 10% (if that would cause any issues)


hope someone can help me. im watching a series on YouTube, and this is really ruining it :/



EDIT: so i did this test that youtube has to find out your speed, and it says im fine, then you can watch a "test video" to see how you download and how fast, and the video they had (and hour and something long) it would download faster then i was watching it which was what used to happen. but not on any other video.....also went up stairs to my moms Desktop, and unfortunately, they dont load for crap there either.....i think im doomed to wait 5 minutes per 15 minute video for it to download itself. :(

Edited by hoofhearted4
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Youtube can be like that I've noticed. I was watching a short video and it kept on wanting to buffer...and at 240p no less. I think it depends on the user who uploaded it, I'm not really sure though, but it's been ticking me off as well.
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Video sizes can differ even if they're the same resolution and lenght (and therefore the buffer time is obviously longer as well), so I'd go with what Illiad said and say it depends on the user who uploaded it.

I could be way off course here though, I'm not an expert.

Edited by Nysba
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yea. though it seems to be most videos. idk. i tried watching other vids on youtube and had to wait for them too. the only one that worked well was that test vid they had


i mean its not the end of the world. i dont hate waiting a few minutes. once it loads about half way, im good cause it ill finish loading before i catch up even at 360p. still stinks though. but it could be worse.

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Upload or download?


The rate that something downloads is dependent on many factors, in addition to the ones mentioned, depending on your ISP, your download rate might be throttled based on how much you've downloaded that month even if you have no ultimate limit. Streaming video tends to be a rather high usage of bandwidth. Your best bet is to pause the video once it starts playing, then do something else for a few minutes while you play. Once the one you're done watching is loaded, load up the next video in another window and pause it again letting it download while you finish.

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yea thats what ive been doing. pausing it for like 5 minutes and just going back to it. once its about half way im set.


nd yea, streaming is what i meant. guess thats different then downloading lol

Edited by hoofhearted4
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