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Mod idea- Supplies Ovehaul


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Hi all.


I have been thinking that it would be good if there were a better, dare I say more immersive way to gather supplies for your settlements, and I can think of a few ways that might be cool-


1. Be able to send settlers out on scavenger runs for a specific resource. For example, you go to a settler and get the option to send out in to the wasteland and come back when they have say 50 Copper.


2. Have each settlement able to produce a certain type of resource. For example, liberating a settlement by a quarry gives you access to concrete, a settlement in a wooded area gives you a steady supply of wood etc.


3. Instead of buying one-off supply shipments, be able to negotiate a steady supply that might come out of your caps over a certain period?



What do you think?...Is there something like this already being done?




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