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Both don't make sense. We could already join the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4, even though it was only the East Coast Chapter it would simply be retreading old grounds if we were dealing with the Midwest Chapter. As for the Enclave, the Institute pretty much covers all the basis for a technologically advanced faction with questionable motives. Certainly, the Institute lacks the Enclave's penchant for power armor but the Enclave at this point would not be able to offer us anything the institute could not. We could just shoot them and take their power armor anyways, which is one reason why we don't need to join the Brotherhood to begin with.


For this sort of thread I suggest two things:

1) Make the Thread Title look normal, not all capitals.

2) Add a poll for the thread.


Actually what would be interesting is if joining the Midwest Brotherhood Chapter was part of a BOS civil war. Why? Because the Midwest Chapter is currently led by a cybernetically augmented Sarah Lyons who is alive after a failed assassination attempt years earlier which caused her to leave to save herself. Just my thoughts....

Edited by CyrusAmell
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Both don't make sense. We could already join the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4, even though it was only the East Coast Chapter it would simply be retreading old grounds if we were dealing with the Midwest Chapter. As for the Enclave, the Institute pretty much covers all the basis for a technologically advanced faction with questionable motives. Certainly, the Institute lacks the Enclave's penchant for power armor but the Enclave at this point would not be able to offer us anything the institute could not. We could just shoot them and take their power armor anyways, which is one reason why we don't need to join the Brotherhood to begin with.


For this sort of thread I suggest two things:

1) Make the Thread Title look normal, not all capitals.

2) Add a poll for the thread.


Actually what would be interesting is if joining the Midwest Brotherhood Chapter was part of a BOS civil war. Why? Because the Midwest Chapter is currently led by a cybernetically augmented Sarah Lyons who is alive after a failed assassination attempt years earlier which caused her to leave to save herself. Just my thoughts....


Would love to see the last part even if just as a mod.

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The Midwestern faction of the Brotherhood of Steel is dead.

Where do you get that info ?





Fallout 2 takes place 44 years after Fallout Tactics

Owyn Lyons takes his trip across the Midwest 57 years after Fallout Tactics

Caesar's legion was formed 50 years after Fallout Tactics

We are unsure when the actually took control of Colorado, but according to Joshua Graham's account, it was probably between 82 to 85 years after Fallout Tactics.


So... this 100% rules out any chance of any ending besides the destruction of the Calculator, because if there was a great big army of robots and Brotherhood of Steel stationed in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado and controlling all the land from there to Chicago... Well... somebody in those games would have noticed it...


Lyon's crossed their entire territory and never saw them, Caesar's legion passed through the areas around Vault 0 on their way to Denver and the only mention is very minimal. I haven't been able to find the quote, but as I remember someone in the legion mentioned capturing a few Brotherhood soldiers out east. Nothing substantial by any means.


In Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 the only mention of Fallout Tactics is stuff that the Lost Hill Brotherhood of Steel would have taught Elder Lyons and his scribes before they left. It is information from the side of the West Coast Brotherhood, knowing that they left to chase down the super mutants, but nothing about what happened after they actually did leave.




The Midwestern faction of the Brotherhood of Steel cannot exist as a large scale faction based on the lore of the other Fallout games that take place after it. There may be small scattered portion of them left, trying to survive, still having their power armor and following the code of the Brotherhood. But as a formidable power, they are pretty much gone, gone and gone.

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