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Request for a proofread of a Settlement Mod Guide, please.

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Would anyone be willing to do a proof on this Settlement Mod Bare Necessities write-up?
I went over it a few times, but I still feel like I forgot something or mucked up somewhere. Which would be lame.

Tried to be less than my normal long-winded, overly verbose, "loves fluff text" self, but maybe ended up being too straight and screwed my train of thought up. <shrug>
Maybe even edit, test and/or spruce it up? Pretty please? ;-)

...heck, maybe someone will correct something I've been doing wrong, too. =)


Other Helpful Settlement Tutorials:

Creating a new settlement location - This guide clarified w/images - By StuykGaming

Create a settlement tutorial - Part 1: the basics - VIDEO - By m0ds1984
Creation Kit | Settlement Creation: Part 1 - By Neeher



Settlement Mod Guide (at least the bare necessities) for Fallout 4 Creation Kit

When creating a new settlement (with supply lines, settlers, attacks, full workshop, etc.) in a Wilderness cell (with some adjustments, can be translated to converting an exterior existing/named Location into a settlement) I do these bare necessities first (and I'm not 100% sure you need *all* this, but it works for me so I'm not gonna try to screw up my process just yet, heh) :


PLACED OBJECTS IN WORLDSPACE (you're putting these in your intended settlement, and note that other than the OutOfSight marker, everything else is best placed within a single cell to cut down on issues):
DefaultEmptyTrigger- Drag from the object window into your cell and right-click>edit
· LinkedRef tab > Ref = WorkshopWorkbench - keyword = Workshoplinkedprimitive
· Make it as big as your settlement (to keep it simple)

MapMarker- Drag from the object window into your cell and right-click>edit
· LinkedRef tab > Ref = XMarkerHeadingNAMEOFYOURSETTLEMENT - keyword = blank
· Marker Data tab:

o "Marker Data" = Check-marked

o "Use location name" = Unchecked

o "Name" = What you want to call your settlement

o "Type" = "Settlement"

WorkshopBorder- Drag from the object window into your cell and right-click>edit
· LinkedRef tab > Ref = WorkshopWorkbench - keyword = WorkshopLinkBuildableArea

WorkshopResourceContainerSettlement- Drag from the object window into your cell and right-click>edit
· No edits
WorkshopSetOwnedTrigger- Drag from the object window into your cell and right-click>edit
· LinkedRef tab > Ref = WorkshopWorkbench - keyword = blank
· Make it as big as your settlement (to keep it simple), but *slightly* smaller than the DefaultEmptyTrigger, just because.

XMarkerHeading- Drag from the object window into your cell and right-click>edit
(add Reference Editor ID XMarkerHeadingCenter for easy reference)-

· Location Ref Type tab > Right Click > New > Choose "LocationCenterMarker"

XMarkerHeading- Drag from the object window into your cell and right-click>edit
(add Reference Editor ID XMarkerHeadingNAMEOFYOURSETTLEMENT)-
· No other edits

XMarkerHeading- Drag from the object window into your cell and right-click>edit
(add Reference Editor ID XMarkerHeadingOutOfSightMarker)-
· LinkedRef tab > Ref = XMarkerHeadingCenter - keyword = WorkshopLinkAttackMarker
· As the name implies, might as well place this someplace out of the line of sight (even outside the cell, if you want) of your "XMarkerCenter", but for sure it should go outside of your intended build-able area.

XMarkerHeading- Drag from the object window into your cell and right-click>edit
(name it XMarkerHeadingWorkShopLinkSpawn)
· LinkedRef tab> Ref = WorkshopWorkbench - keyword = WorkshopLinkSpawn

WorkshopWorkbench- Drag from the object window into your cell and right-click>edit
· LinkedRef tab > Ref = XMarkerHeadingCenter - keyword = WorkshoplinkCenter
· LinkedRef tab > Ref = WorkshopResourceContainer - keyword = WorkshoplinkContainer
· LinkedRef tab > Ref = DefaultEmptyTrigger - keyword = WorkshoplinkSandbox
· LinkedRef tab > Ref = XMarkerHeadingSpawn - keyword = WorkshoplinkSpawn
· Script Tab:

o Double-click workshopscript (add if its not there)

o (from top to bottom) values

§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -Default


§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -Default


§ -True

§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -True

§ -False

§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -WorkshopParent

Any beds/sleeping, chairs, food, etc. (things that show up in the top bar while in workshop mode in game)- Drag from the object window into your cell and right-click>edit
· LinkedRef tab > Ref = WorkshopWorkbench - keyword = WorkshopItemKeyword
· Script Tab (Im actually a little fuzzy on this one, in one particular way)

o Double-click workshopobjectscript (add if its not there)

o (from top to bottom) values

§ -Default

§ -Default


§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -Default


§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -Default

§ -WorkshopParent



o -Object Window:

o -Explore to WorldData>Location (just "to", not INTO Location)

o -Below the bottom most entry in right side of window, Right Click>New (most of the time its better to create a new versus duplicating)

§ ID = Type "NAMEOFYOURSETTLEMENTLocation" (for ease of access, ex: FortStrongLocation)

§ Name = This is the name you want to show on the map (ex: Fort Strong)

§ Parent = CommonwealthLocation

§ World Location Marker Ref = XMarkerHeadingNAMEOFYOURSETTLEMENT

§ Keywords (Right click>Add) =

· Type = None Editor ID = LocTypeClearable

· None LocTypeSettlement

· None LocTypeWorkshop

· LocTypeWorkshopSettlement


o -Object Window:

o -Explore to WorldData>Encounter Zone (just "to", not INto Encounter Zone)

o -Below the bottom most entry in right side of window, Right Click>New (most of the time its better to create a new versus duplicating)

§ ID = Type "NAMEOFYOURSETTLEMENTZone" (for ease of access, ex: FortStrongZone)

§ Min Level = 1, Max Level = 20 (for now, but you can change this as you see fit)

§ Never Resets = Checked

§ Workshop = Checked

§ Location = NAMEOFYOURSETTLEMENTLocation (the one you created in the previous step)


o -Object Window:

o -Explore to Character>Quest (just "to", not INto Quest)

o -Below the bottom most entry in right side of window, Right Click>New (most of the time its better to create a new versus duplicating)

· Quest Data tab:

· ID = Type "WorkshopParentQuestNAMEOFYOURSETTLEMENT" (for ease of remembering, ex: WorkshopParentQuestFortStrong)

· Priority = 41

· Quest Stages

o In Left Pane, Right Click>New

§ Type 10 before clicking anywhere else

§ Right Click>New in the field with the log entry, Notes, Conditions sorting tabs

§ Type Start YOUR SETTLEMENT NAME HERE Quest in the Designer Notes field

o In Left Pane, Right Click>New

o Type 20 before clicking anywhere else

o Right Click>New in the field with the Log Entry, Notes, Conditions sorting tabs

o Type Finish YOUR SETTLEMENT NAME HERE Quest in the Designer Notes field

· Quest Aliases tab

· Right Click>New Ref Collection Alias in the Aliases field

§ Alias Name = Workshops

§ In Match Conditions, Right Click>New

· Condition Function drop-down = HasKeyword

· Parameters = WorkshopKeyword

§ In Match Conditions, Right Click>New

· Condition Function drop-down = LocationHasKeyword

· Parameters = LocTypeWorkshopSettlement

§ In Match Conditions, Right Click>New

· Condition Function drop-down = GetInCurrentLocation


· Scripts tab

· Click Add

§ Check-mark Incompatible

§ Filter for and choose WorkshopAddLocationsScript

· In displayed order, selections are:

o Default

o Default

o Default

o Workshop Parent

o Pick Quest = WorkshopParentQuestNAMEOFYOURSETTLEMENT & Pick Alias = Workshops


o -Object Window:

o -Explore to Character>Quest (just "to", not INto Quest)

o -Find WorkshopIntializeLocation on the right side

o -Right Click>Duplicate it (this time its necessary to duplicate)

o -Rename the duplicate WorkshopInitializeLocationQuestNAMEOFYOURSETTLEMENT (for ease of remembering, ex: WorkshopInitializeLocationQuestFortStrong)

o -Click no

o -Click yes

o Double click WorkshopInitializeLocationQuestNAMEOFYOURSETTLEMENT

· Quest Data tab:

· Run Once = Check-mark


* Quest Stages tab:
* Click Index 10 (in the left pane)

· Run on Start = Check-mark

* Click Index 100 (in the left pane)

* Run on Stop = Check-mark


Cell Common Data

· Cell View window

· Right click>Edit the Wilderness cell you are turning into you settlement

o Location drop-down = NAMEOFYOURSETTLEMENTLocation


-Now, I would say test your settlement before doing any aesthetic stuff. Can take a good 4 days sometimes for the first settlers to show up, so make sure there is a bed for you to sleep the time away.
-This is only for exterior cells.
-For working examples, please visit Open Stands http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13329/? and Water Downed http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14169/?

Can you tell I'm very self-conscious because I suck at writing guides and am now doubting that my process is overall correct? =/
...but I haven't seen a full guide yet, so...into the pool, I guess...gotta put yourself out there sometimes.


Edited by BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah
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Maybe explain things though. People complain about long winded, but when your a virgin, knowing which hole to stick it in is very important. As a newbzor modder, it would be great if guides didn't just say what to do, but explained it so we could learn, not just repeat.
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It looks solid, I think as a novice modder I can follow it pretty easily (Will try at some point.). Not sure if people completely unfamiliar with modding cna follow it or not though, I have no idea. I think it looks good though at first glance. If I get around to doing a settlement sooner than later, Ill give you more feedback!

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Some good info. Thank you for looking. =)

I made a few corrections myself (had missed a step or 2 of the WorkshopInitializeLocation quest entry).

Sadly, I'm leaving town soon'ish and won't get back to a full rework for a bit...so hopefully (besides format, feel and wording) there are no truly egregious process errors that snuck (snucked, snucken...snook?) in there.

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Some good info. Thank you for looking. =)

I made a few corrections myself (had missed a step or 2 of the WorkshopInitializeLocation quest entry).

Sadly, I'm leaving town soon'ish and won't get back to a full rework for a bit...so hopefully (besides format, feel and wording) there are no truly egregious process errors that snuck (snucked, snucken...snook?) in there.

So far I've followed every step while rebuilding my settlement mod from the ground up (I couldn't get settlers/supply lines to work or the workshop to be recognised), but I'm still having the same problems. I'm thinking it might actually be the InitializeLocation quest, because that's the only thing where someone has pointed out that something's missing. I've noticed the default one has some users, where the custom one doesn't. Anyone have any ideas what needs doing?

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Some good info. Thank you for looking. =)

I made a few corrections myself (had missed a step or 2 of the WorkshopInitializeLocation quest entry).

Sadly, I'm leaving town soon'ish and won't get back to a full rework for a bit...so hopefully (besides format, feel and wording) there are no truly egregious process errors that snuck (snucked, snucken...snook?) in there.

So far I've followed every step while rebuilding my settlement mod from the ground up (I couldn't get settlers/supply lines to work or the workshop to be recognised), but I'm still having the same problems. I'm thinking it might actually be the InitializeLocation quest, because that's the only thing where someone has pointed out that something's missing. I've noticed the default one has some users, where the custom one doesn't. Anyone have any ideas what needs doing?




i always duplicated the initialize quest and just renamed it nothing else, for the parent yes you have to change the encounter zone under workbench quests

but there is a problem with the owned trigger, it don't always works, well it works but not always as intended, settlements info show, but when you try to send some 1 to that place its not under workshops anymore, changing the script for the workbench is kind of bugged to, set to owned by player don't always works)and if it works 99% of the time it don't show the set info), set to auto owner works also not always

ques it depend on location. and or bosses


did like 5-6 settlements mostly following the same thing, wb, build arena, center, spam, quest(mind you they are all existing places), only problem that always crop up was the owner thing, in the end some will just work flawless others will bug on you, its a bit of a pain to get them everytime to work

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Some good info. Thank you for looking. =)

I made a few corrections myself (had missed a step or 2 of the WorkshopInitializeLocation quest entry).

Sadly, I'm leaving town soon'ish and won't get back to a full rework for a bit...so hopefully (besides format, feel and wording) there are no truly egregious process errors that snuck (snucked, snucken...snook?) in there.

So far I've followed every step while rebuilding my settlement mod from the ground up (I couldn't get settlers/supply lines to work or the workshop to be recognised), but I'm still having the same problems. I'm thinking it might actually be the InitializeLocation quest, because that's the only thing where someone has pointed out that something's missing. I've noticed the default one has some users, where the custom one doesn't. Anyone have any ideas what needs doing?
Yeah, that was me "made a few corrections myself" and I've already changed them in the op (originally, I had the process for that part with more steps than needed).

The workshopinitializelocation quest *must* be "duplicate"'d (right click>duplicate) from the the existing one, otherwise it will block you from a few options and omit some necessary pre-filled settings.


Then, of course, make the very few adjustments to the duplicate that I've noted in the original post. =)


Edit: One more thing I'll add is to be careful when editing quests (these two, in particular, it's very obvious...but it happens with other stuff, too, not just quests). Clicking in some fields will zero out the data and leave that field blank if you save it. In other words, Don't enter/click into any fields you don't need to.

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your info is good enough, but it all depend on the location (i ques), there are some that just don't work, well they work but not like intended


tried the crater in glowing sea = fail, granberry in FH = fail, the light tower in FH works like intended, fairhill works like intended, arcadia works like intended

for some reason some just refuse to work correct, and i always follow the same route, they just refuse to display the correct info, like the workshop = in commonwelt instead of the encounter/location

Edited by speedynl
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