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Request for a proofread of a Settlement Mod Guide, please.

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So in order to work in the Institute, I would need a portal, and the inside needs to reference the outside map marker? So in this case, I would reference the CIT Ruins as the parent location correct? Which one is the belonging xmarker?

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well it depends you can do the acces quest to gain entry or use a portal if you wana use it before the quests

if cit ruins have a mapmarker you can use tat 1 it have a xmarker connected to it also


so you link your loc to tat mapmarker and use the int use blabla give the mapmarker the same encounter zone as the loc you use

keep in mind when using a portal the portal need in the range of the mapmarker otherwise it will not show on worldmap, also a int don't need a parent you can leave tat out


when using the quest for acces you have to put a mapmarker+xmarker near the entrance of the sewer entrance


it go like this loc xx link the world ref to the mapmarker, set the encounter zone for the mapmarker, check if the mapmarker link to a xmarker, you can give the xmarker also the same encounter zone


if you use 2 difrent loc/encounter as in your mod make sure you use the right loc/encounter it have to be the 1 where the wb is


sended you a very simple sample for how to set it up

Edited by speedynl
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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright Settlement Builders, I have a unique issue.


I figured out what was causing my save file to display Error: something about strings, which was that the game wasn't recognizing the location data to put the location in the save title. So I started using the vanilla locations/markers as much as possible to streamline the process and make everything play well.


That brings me to this issue. I set up everything at Mass Fusion Disposal for a test Children of Atom settlement. Everything seemed to be working except the Children of Atom would spawn there but wouldn't be assignable. The icon showing the settlement stats was at Mass Gravel & Sand. I looked at the Creation Kit and seen that the location for the Disposal had a location reference I couldn't delete to that location. Probably a massive bug by Bethesda.


As a side note, it did get me thinking that maybe Mass Fusion stands for Massachusetts Fusion instead of mass meaning a lot or matter, since it was linked to Massachusetts Gravel & Sand.


So would creating my own location and zone fix the issue? And how would I avoid the save file string issue?

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Maybe it's too early in the morning, cause I'm a little confused, but:

-Yes, always use existing objects first (this was a problem with your Institute settlement, you were giving it new location, zone, etc objects when it already had them, confusing everything).

-Map marker and primatives need to be in the same cell.

-Other map markers in the primatives or same cell will screw things up.


...again, though, maybe I misunderstood the question. =/


P.S. "Mass Fusion", total play on words with an abbreviated "Massachusetts"...not like "Mass Pike", which is just abbreviated. =P

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Genolune, you are thinking too hard again, look at your Locations, look in the cell tab, I keep talking about this all the time, and I don't think anyone quite hears me. This is about the most important tab of info you can have as a settlement builder. What do you see?


Mass Gravel and Sand has 0 cells.


Mass Fusion Disposal has 2 cells, and the Mass Gravel and Sand Cell....


Someone just put the gravel and sand cell location setting wrong. Just fix it. Haven't we walked this path?


EDIT: May have been Turfy... Also, make sure to triple check the map markers on both LOCATION after fixing. They are wonky looking.

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@Tarsis31 Ah, thank you. I'll take a look at it again. I think you may have solved it with the Gravel and Sand location needing to be adjust.


@Blah I had checked and rechecked. Everything was set up only in the Mass Fusion Disposal location but the location made by Bethesda linked Mass Fusion Disposal to Mass Gravel and Sand. Like Tarsis said, it was very wonky. Somehow the game had all the stuff in the Mass Fusion Disposal but decided to split the location in two spots.


I'll look at it later after I type up this other post and get back to you.

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They did similar stuff all over the game, for example General Atomics Galleria has 3 or 4 Wilderness (2 of them are in Tenpines Bluff build area IIRC) cells set to it's location for no reason I can decipher. If I set the locations on them to NONE, to get the cells out of the Location, and out of my bug testing, it puts up the "such and such cell was expected in such and such location but is no longer there" error that I haven't puzzled out how to fix yet. If I leave them in, I risk throwing out "Commonwealth" pipboy workshop entries and other "your mod is buggy" crap. I'm sure if I melt that one out I'll get the "such and such ref was expected to be found in such and such location, but you moved it and I don't like that" error report as well that I just can't seem to trace where it won't just let go of it all. I'm sure there is a trail of breadcrumbs somewhere, but they let the birds out first.


Some of the Mass Fusion Containment Shed was put in the Milton Hospital Location, there is a random cell by the South Boston Red Rocket that is in the Vault 81 location (WTF?). I've seen several more. Do I fix every cell I find that pertains to the mod I'm currently making? Just the ones that are needed to make the mod work? I mean, it's no wonder we have bugs in mods we can't track down. The core game was thrown together haphazardly.

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So this isn't an isolated thing? That's both scary and something I shouldn't be surprised about. Shouldn't the Unofficial Patch team be working on this? Though like Ethreon said about Boston optimization perhaps other mods will come along and undo the bug fixes. I do thank you for all that information as that let's me know more about the game engine and what to expect.

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well its a beth game after all, don't expect they made all stuff 100% as it should, hell even vanilla settlements are set up in difrent way's, prolly because xxxxxxx difrent peeps did the same work, but they din't know how the team before them did it


now as for those cell(s), lets say gallerie did you try to give(add) those wilderness to tenpine?(setting to none confuse the game even more)

if those cells don't hold anything related to the buildings and or other importend stuff you can try to give them other names so they get added to xx

maybe it don't work because they never expected tat peeps would make xx settlements at xx location, its prolly the reason the hole game is a complete mess

same as for foundations where you can't build on, it was never mend to build on(or they never expected tat)


all this bugged stuff is another 1 of those reasons i don't release mods, i don't wana be force to solve the s#*! problems(bugs) beth made, and or caused by those stupid freeloaders wo dl every mod and then find out it conflict(because they are to stupid to read), but blame your mod in the meantime



as for UP they can't fix this(maybe they can) but prolly never try to, it take only 1 mod and all those fixes are worthless

there patch is focus on real bugs caused by shitty/crappy programming


but you all wanted to (release)mods so carry the burden tat comes with it, i warned you all before you started

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@speedy That was more of a rhetorical question for everyone to think about every time they fiddle with a location. I've already decided what to with the ones I encounter, Burn them all! Besides that, you aren't supposed to be pontificating to us, you are supposed to be sitting next to us, buying the next round, and saying, "Yeah, I understand, man." Then we may go about our merry way :hurr:


(mostly the buying part)

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