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Is there a all in one mod installer for Oblivion?


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If you were so kind as to maybe elaborate a bit, to make it easier to understand and answer the question?


As for mod managers (if you mean them by "installers"):

  • Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) - generally not recommended, can work with some mods
  • Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) - OMODs, simple copy-paste mods
  • Wrye Bash - BAIN-wizard mods, specially structured mods (00 Core, 01 Optional, etc.), simple copy-paste mods
  • Mod Organizer - only if you have enough knowledge and experience, because it is not all that straighforward with Oblivion

As far as I know, there is no "one manager for all". You can always use OBMM to unpack OMODs, then install the unpacked files through Wrye Bash if you only want to use one manager. You will need Wrye Bash regardless, for Bashed Patch, savegame stuff and all that, so you can just as well use it as the install tool.


Hopefully that helps a little.

Edited by Contrathetix
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No I don't think there is. I'm not sure there should be either. That seems like a bunch of "Ahmahgahd-mah-game-is-boken!!1@!" threads waiting to happen.

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Okay guys ived modded skyrim before with STEPS and Mod Organizer

But thought it would be much easier if it was a all in one installer like on other games Total War mods for example..


I seen there is Morrowind redone in modern graphics so thought they might of done Oblivion

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If your question is about a mod manager, use Wrye Bash, this is the best mod manager for Oblivion. I don't advise you to use Nexus Mod Manager for Oblivion. Sometimes Oblivion mods are not installed correctly with NMM.

Edited by bevilex
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One word of advice, this so-called Superpack (not FCOM Convergence itself, mind you, its name was just stolen as much as the mods included in the pack) is not to be advertised, linked to or even mentioned on any reputable modding website such as the Nexus.


It is a clusterf*** of stolen properties and copyright violations and raised the community of mod authors up in arms against it, for one reason or another, but all of them perfectly good. The number of authors the community lost due to its release cannot be put in exact numbers, but the blatant disrespect of mod authors' wishes and requests, and the "f*** you all" response they got when raising their valid concerns, by both, the creator of this junk as well as the users and brainless supporters, has caused a massive amount of damage in its way, damage up to now not yet repaired, and the community still suffers due to it.


It is an un-supported, un-authorized mess of incompatible mods forced into compatibility without any knowledge about their inner workings or interaction, and it's only waiting to literally explode into your face the moment something unexpected happens the author of it did not anticipate, or, may The Nine help you, you decide to add just another mod to your load order or even remove one, as that is again not supported by the pack. But of course nobody's ever told that.


And if you run into trouble or perhaps even find some bugs, you'll get no support or help whatsoever from the creator of the pack, as he's got no bloody clue of the mods he stole and included in it. And don't even think about asking the authors who the mods were stolen from instead, as they don't know what all the thief did to their works in order to make them work with the others and in turn broke a gazillion of things beyond repair.


If you use any of the unauthorized re-packages found on the many illegal hosts outside there, you're basically screwed, lost and on your own, as nobody whatsoever will ever be able to help you with them. They're "not" a service to you but only a catastrophe to your game just waiting to happen, and all those people claiming they'd work wonders and perfectly fine "now" just didn't yet run into the inevitable trap they create, but they will, and way sooner than they'd like to.


Do not advise anybody to download any of these, or you'll just become a part of the problem yourself, both for the users you're advertising them to "and" for the authors you're insulting by supporting the thieves and harming by putting them up to yet even more harassment and trouble from the ever-growing multitude of victims of said packs coming to their pages to complain about issues they neither created nor have any idea of how to solve, because the creators of the packs of course don't also.

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One word of advice, this so-called Superpack (not FCOM Convergence itself, mind you, its name was just stolen as much as the mods included in the pack) is not to be advertised, linked to or even mentioned on any reputable modding website such as the Nexus.

It is a clusterf*** of stolen properties and copyright violations and raised the community of mod authors up in arms against it, for one reason or another, but all of them perfectly good. The number of authors the community lost due to its release cannot be put in exact numbers, but the blatant disrespect of mod authors' wishes and requests, and the "f*** you all" response they got when raising their valid concerns, by both, the creator of this junk as well as the users and brainless supporters, has caused a massive amount of damage in its way, damage up to now not yet repaired, and the community still suffers due to it.

It is an un-supported, un-authorized mess of incompatible mods forced into compatibility without any knowledge about their inner workings or interaction, and it's only waiting to literally explode into your face the moment something unexpected happens the author of it did not anticipate, or, may The Nine help you, you decide to add just another mod to your load order or even remove one, as that is again not supported by the pack. But of course nobody's ever told that.

And if you run into trouble or perhaps even find some bugs, you'll get no support or help whatsoever from the creator of the pack, as he's got no bloody clue of the mods he stole and included in it. And don't even think about asking the authors who the mods were stolen from instead, as they don't know what all the thief did to their works in order to make them work with the others and in turn broke a gazillion of things beyond repair.

If you use any of the unauthorized re-packages found on the many illegal hosts outside there, you're basically screwed, lost and on your own, as nobody whatsoever will ever be able to help you with them. They're "not" a service to you but only a catastrophe to your game just waiting to happen, and all those people claiming they'd work wonders and perfectly fine "now" just didn't yet run into the inevitable trap they create, but they will, and way sooner than they'd like to.

Do not advise anybody to download any of these, or you'll just become a part of the problem yourself, both for the users you're advertising them to "and" for the authors you're insulting by supporting the thieves and harming by putting them up to yet even more harassment and trouble from the ever-growing multitude of victims of said packs coming to their pages to complain about issues they neither created nor have any idea of how to solve, because the creators of the packs of course don't also.


Package with stolen mods or not, installing FCOM convergence is often a source of trouble and harassment. And some mods are not supported anymore. For someone new to modding, who doesn't want to spend all his free time trying to install old mods, I don't know what is the worst.


BUT, DrakeTheDragon, I agree with most of the points you mentioned, I understand the copyright problem ... I didn't think about that during writing, just trying to help. I will edit my previous message, and remove the link I put.

Edited by bevilex
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