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This is what happens when you support console modding.


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Well i recently uploaded some of my dumbest mods (wheightelss easy 1second mod to do) in bethesda.net just because a friend who plays in Xbox told me if i can do so and... well i can see pretty much what you mean... there's a huge diference between this:



Wich is polite even if he don´t know if it was my mod's fault or wichever and i have no problem in talk with him or given him support if he needs it and....






Wich is false since my friend told me that the mod it's working perfectly... so yea... idiots will be idiots the question is where are more of them?


PS: i think in bethesda.net


So yea i think i'll upload mods to bethesda net just because i want to give them to people who uses consoles but... they will not recieve any kind of support from my hand

Edited by KataPUMB
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In any case, this thread has begun devolving into the usual pissing contest/bickering I have come to expect from any interaction over the internet.



wait, is this a console crowed thing or a internet thing?




er, again, i could imagine that beth net thing being from ANYWHERE on the internet, including the nexus.

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I *DO* get the frustration with the vocal portion of the console crowd, because WOW are there some stupid post. They have no clue how long it takes to do even "simple" task...


You seem to be missing that I said I get the FRUSTRATION with the VOCAL portion of the console crowd, that is spewing nonsense on the forums. Just like I get the SAME frustration with the VOCAL portion of the PC crowd that does the same crap.



You will note that I said I can understand, aka I get, the frustration with the vocal portion, aka the minority. I was not supporting hating on console mod users in general, as its dumb. You will also note that I said clearly that I should have ALSO stated that that the vocal minority from PC users can be just as bad if not worse. I didn't even say that I personally get frustrated, just that I can understand it. For the record, I absolutely get frustrated by the vocal minorities on both "sides", its obnoxious to have people be rude / treat you like dirt because they have no understanding of how modding works.



So please don't tell me about context without reading what I said, that is incredibly frustrating. You're acting like I went off on the console crowd, when its not the case. I even asked what all is required to convert mods to console use in this very same thread, and on the same post that you are quoting I stated I have every intention of converting my mods over for console use because I view it as silly not to.



So again, please don't address me as if I am one of the people raging against console mod users / console modding, or that I dont support it, or that I dont recognize there are the same / similiar issues with PC mod users. I do, and I stated as such.

Edited by JuJooGuppy
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As a mod author myself I can testify that mod users are generally complete idiots no matter what platform you find them on. Asking the same damn question over and over again. Oh, praise PC gamer's for the insightful question: FUTA!? Is this Futa? Will this Futa? Can this Futa? Will you make Futa? Not to mention literally requesting a CBBE version OF F'N EVERYTHING!!!! NO. I cannot make a CBBE version of a gun retexture!!! Also, what part of README don't you understand. We might as well just upload esp files named "game_mod" with no pictures or description because no one is gonna read it anyways. They'll just request a Futa CBBE version and than post, "it dost work" in the comments.


I believe all us mod authors would agree that choosing between PC mod users and console mod users is like choosing how to have your genitals ripped from your groin. Nothing you choose is really going to make what happens next all that much more enjoyable.

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There are annoying people in every demographic. I have plenty of friends who play on consoles, and while I'm very new to modding, I like the idea of being able to brainstorm ideas with them and then make those ideas reality. Why would I want to give them the big middle finger?


Anyone who wants to make demands or act like a child can easily be ignored, and that goes for all of those kinds of people no matter the platform they choose to play on.

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There are annoying people in every demographic. I have plenty of friends who play on consoles, and while I'm very new to modding, I like the idea of being able to brainstorm ideas with them and then make those ideas reality. Why would I want to give them the big middle finger?


Anyone who wants to make demands or act like a child can easily be ignored, and that goes for all of those kinds of people no matter the platform they choose to play on.



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You seem to be missing that I said...


I wasn't intending to attack you personally, I was just pointing out what I personally consider a poor choice in wording. If I had believed that you were intentionally being malicious, I wouldn't have even bothered responding to you, because bigots are not worth arguing with.


I was simply sharing my personal opinion on what I personally feel was a logical mistake on your part that I personally feel you could learn from. If I was wrong on that, then I accept that, it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong and definitely won't be the last. My opinions get me into more trouble than I would like at times, and I have already deleted more words I have typed than I would be proud to admit in order to avoid controversy on this topic.




I tend to argue with people for the sake of sharpening my own wit against their wit. I am in a very small minority who view the world in such a way, so I often cause more trouble than my words are worth. As such, I have only recently been active on this site and am quickly coming to regret the fact that I have let my emotions get the best of me and actually responded to the stuff I have read. I should probably just go back to modding by myself.

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You seem to be missing that I said...


I wasn't intending to attack you personally, I was just pointing out what I personally consider a poor choice in wording. If I had believed that you were intentionally being malicious, I wouldn't have even bothered responding to you, because bigots are not worth arguing with.


I was simply sharing my personal opinion on what I personally feel was a logical mistake on your part that I personally feel you could learn from. If I was wrong on that, then I accept that, it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong and definitely won't be the last. My opinions get me into more trouble than I would like at times, and I have already deleted more words I have typed than I would be proud to admit in order to avoid controversy on this topic.




I tend to argue with people for the sake of sharpening my own wit against their wit. I am in a very small minority who view the world in such a way, so I often cause more trouble than my words are worth. As such, I have only recently been active on this site and am quickly coming to regret the fact that I have let my emotions get the best of me and actually responded to the stuff I have read. I should probably just go back to modding by myself.




Well, I had already stated that I should've pointed out that the vocal portion of the PC users were just as bad, had no problem agreeing that I could've been more specific. Just seemed like you were missing some of the point, I wasn't defending the OP's overall point of view. But regardless, I wasnt mad either way. I have noted that you tend to argue your view vehemently, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, just some people will find it either abrasive, or feel like you are specifically singling them out for some reason (Tbh, I did think you you were specifically stuck on me, it seemed that way, so, I replied.).


But ultimately, its not something I was / am actually mad about, just wanted to be clear where I actually stood. With all that, I am done even posting about it lol.

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Just watched the video. Strange. It sounds like the socio-political problem going on.




PC gamers never cared about consoles a while back and vice versa. Why should anyone care now?


Everyone has their own opinions but it doesn't mean anyone should care.


That is my opinion and I don't really care if anyone cares about my opinion.

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What do you give up exactly by uploading an Xb1 mod?

This is the thing a lot of people are just ignoring.


There's no reason really simple things like texture swaps, companions, new items, settlement additions, etc can't be on console too. Other than just spite. I understand if someone can't test it themselves due to being on PC only, but reach out to console people and ask them to test or just flag your mod as untested. People on console would be more than happy to take a chance with something than not have it at all, I think.


Stuff like ENBs, mods that need script extender to work, that's not going to happen on console. People will have to deal with it. And I think they will, it's just the idiot Dewritos crowd harassing right now. They'll all drop off for the most part once mods are out and they realize it's not going to happen.


But I think forsaking consoles from having even the simple stuff completely, just to spite people, is completely childish and it honestly disgusts me.



Have you though that maybe authors don't want to deal with people like you in their support thread and private messages? Being rash and accuse mod creators of jerk moves is seriously not a way to go and yet I see tons of post like that on bethesda.net (dating pre Xbox1 official launch!!!). How many people like you come here, make a new account just to have their first post exactly like yours? This is something that neither uploaders or supporters want to see here. We had here fairly decent supportive community build over the years which was encouraging modding. Console community is not there yet and with how things are only time will show if they ever be.



It takes time to keep tracks of everything and upload updates and fixes on multiple platforms, especially when most mods are WIP. Being constantly questioned by people that have no grasp on how the mods work or are made is not easy to handle. Nexus has much better technical structure for managing your mod page, since it was made with modders in mind. Bethesda.net is messy at best. You can't manage anything on that site properly. PC mods are just added there as an afterthought and have links to Nexus mod page. Nexus doesn't support console modding and I don't see why mod authors should host their own sites to provide better support. If you don't like it, go bug bethesda to fix their site. Even the load times are terrible.



I don't know if people are aware, but some modders had their work removed from bethesda.net for uploading files flagged as Xbox1/PS4 too soon. Also there were complains about how long it takes to upload on that site. Sometimes the file is broken (bad compression, not all files being packed, CK crashed and when recreating the changes someone made a mistake, etc) and needs a fast fix. With how the console community reacts to any issues with a mod, we can clearly see they want a polished and finished product.




Because of that people will rather postpone uploading anything there untill they are done with their project. On Nexus everyone are considered beta testers and with exception of few rare cases, they all know what it means. If someone is being an idiot or harassing anyone, his comments can be hidden by mod author or moderator.

Edited by BlackRoseOfThorns
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