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Need category for mods that are friendly to the handicapped.


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One thing...I get totally lost in these games. By that, I mean I add lots of good quest mods, and combining that with just the normal game, I hardly ever come close to finishing it. I guess you could say I am mentally crippled in that sense!

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What I need is a way to make my pip-boy screen fit my resolution. I'm older and my eyes aren't very good and I need to squint just to see the screen, even AFTER right clicking it.


For now you could get a mod with better map zoom and better sorting for ease of use:


CMM Cartographers Map Markers Fallout4 Edition

(marker size is optional)


Immersive maps 2K - 4K


Valdacil's Item Sorting


Clean Black Pip-Boy Screen



You could ask on the forum, if there aren't any known .ini camera zoom tweaks for the pipboy. I heard that setting FOV to 90 makes it bigger. You could get FO4 Hotkeys and make a shortcut for changing camera zoom depending on what you are doing.

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Conceptually, I don't think you are thinking your request through.


What is REALLY required for a game like Fallout 4 to meet your actual needs is STORY MODE- ie., a mode that allows players of any skill level to experience the STORY of a game without ever having to worry about meeting skill criteria. For Fallout 4, such a mode would pretty much be auto-VATS, with a guarantee of combat victory, or an automatic 'runaway to safety' mechanism is the player was as yet not so 'leveled up' to take on a challenge,


Mods that just make different aspects of the game 'easier' cannot be reasonably described as 'mods for disabled people'. Disability comes in infinite varieties, including subtle forms that aren't formally recognised.


As for your meta point- that 'cheat' mods draw a lot of nasty and unwarranted criticism- well you are right, but the blame for this lies 100% with Bethesda, and their very nasty attitude to stupid and worthless 'in-game achievements'. Once a dev is childish enough to imply (in a single player game) that there is something 'big' in doing specific gameplay tasks, dim-bulbs will think they are doing Mankind a service by protecting the game from 'cheaters'.


On the other hand, I must admit to getting annoyed when 'cheat' modders IMPLY their mods generally 'improve' the game. This foolish attitude helps create a bad attitude in the comments section. NO, a 'cheat' mod allows the specific gamers the option of playing THEIR single-player game the way they want, nothing to do with 'improvement'- and that should be a welcome option.


Sadly more and more game devs and publishers are rallying the troops in attacks on mods that introduce 'cheating' into their single-player games- and it is this attitude I would encourage all gamers to fight. You bought the game and you should be allowed to play it howsoever you desire.


So a special section for 'disability' mods makes no sense- but a much better attitude to 'cheat' mods would be welcome. But Nexus really could help by dropping the 'modder is god' concept, and encourage modder 'humility' so modders recognise their mods introduce choice rather than always 'improving' the base game.

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I take it that as someone with issues, you like to use VATS in combat? I did a bit of research because I was trying to proselytize to a friend who played dragon age inquisition and loved it but didn't like the hardcore FPS/gunplay of the fallout series and the elder scrolls (swordplay there but heh)

(this is to freeze time in VATS instead of making it just slow - lets you have lots of time to choose how you want to act in VATS) - and the second mod of these two top ones is to increase VATS target distance ability, it also gives an increase to chance to hit at longer distances so that you're not just plain missing all your shots at those longer ranges

combined the two should be able to let you have slightly slower or quicker VATS combat, that's a bit easier to use for sniping even if you're not so big on long range scope firing yourself (because of vision issues) so that you can still play that kind of character
Bringing back the old freeze-frame V.A.T.S. like Fallout New Vegas/3 has, for those of you who don't like it, such as my friend that I made this mod for. Enjoy homebois and homegrills.
As I've gotten a lot of requests, there are also now different V.A.T.S. speed options:


longer VATS distance usage

similar variant - more in depth and a bit complicated - basically does what the other 3 mods here do but is... complicated?

changes VATS chance to hit to 95% - that's it, I suggest just using longer VATS distance mod (the cheat mode variant of it) if you're interested in this

Edited by tartarsauce2
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One thing...I get totally lost in these games. By that, I mean I add lots of good quest mods, and combining that with just the normal game, I hardly ever come close to finishing it. I guess you could say I am mentally crippled in that sense!

The companion mod Vilja added a feature for Vilja to take the lead and go either to a destination of her choosing or one of the many towns in Skyrim that you specify. She added that feature as an aid to the late great science fiction writer Sir Terry Pratchett who was a big fan of the Vilja mod, but due to an illness found himself not being able to navigate his way back out of dungeons and ruins. If you are lost, no need to despair, just use the Vilja mod and ask for her assistance.


As to being overwhelmed by the sheer number of quests, you might wish to take one at a time and leave the others unchecked. When you look at the compass you know that is the way to go and there is really no hurry. The quests will wait for you.


Enjoy the beauty of Skyrim!


Crap! :facepalm: This is Fallout 4. Well, ... then enjoy the wreckage of the wasteland.

Edited by Moksha8088
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sorry what did you say terry pratchett played skyrim?
I also tend to get lost and confused lol

I think what this would require is outlining common aspects of disability
IE: inability to navigate aka get lost easy or something
physical issues involving stressors so you can't do rigorous activity
eyesight issues like COLOUR BLINDNESS

DYLXESIA (dyslexia) or other neurological issues like perhaps a low grade of reading skill (incredibly low grade) - subtitles already exist for the hearing impaired and I've played games when my speakers were broken so I know it's doable, helped me focus a bit actually on visual stuff, that old wives' tale about one sense being made up for is real - although in my case it wasn't severe or huge because obviously it wasn't persistent enough to impact totally...

once they're classified or codified well it's easy to address what the issues are, so you'd need to have someone do that work

reallllly need a simple easy to use classification system, the type of people you're talking about already have... disabilities lol, I mean, can you imagine if the office for applying for wheelchair access had only stairs? a difficult to understand classification system would be like that

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I think some of you might be getting the wrong idea about what sort of mods are being thought of here (OP correct me if I am wrong). The focus isn't on making the game easier (though there isn't anything wrong with that of course) so much as making it more accessible. To give an example, most people are familiar with WoW's colour-coded loot tier system (which of course has been used by many other games since). It is very handy, giving the player an easy way to judge the value of a drop at a glance. For people with various forms of colour blindness though, it could be difficult if not impossible to tell the difference between tiers. So Blizzard implemented a simple fix: players could toggle little icons on the item thumbnail that would indicate tier.


Just thinking on this now, here are some of the sorts of things that could be made:


For people with dyslexia/discalcula there are some nifty tools out there that could be adapted into the game. There are fonts that make reading easier for such people (several are free/open source). Things like alternating font colours/text colour gradient/background shaders from line to line can be very helpful as well.


There are already plenty of mods for both Elder Scrolls and Fallout games that remove/alter subjects of common phobias. The well thought out ones even have fail-safes in case the main function of the mod fails. Things like phobias/triggers/squicks are highly individual and it would be impossible to cover every concevable factor (the brain can associate virtually anything with fear/panic/ect responses; it's can be a major pain in the butt for some of us), but things like frameworks could be uploaded and then altered by the individual to their own needs.


Mods that reduce the overall visual "noise," put limits on audio level/frequency of events, or otherwise reduce general chaos in the game could be helpful for people who struggle with sensory overload.


Mods could possibly help compensate for mouse movements for someone who has tremors.


A mod could be created to let the user selectively limit the amount of information on any given screen to help people with some forms of ADHD or cognitive processing disorders that can cause the person to become overwhelmed by too much info at one time.


FO4 Hotkeys by registrator2000 (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11664/?) would be fantastic if paired with assistive tech on the user's end. Could make controls tons easier for people who can't make use of traditional interfaces like keyboard/mouse or controllers.


There is no way I could cover all the little tweaks that could be made for accessibility as such needs can be pretty individual. It would be really helpful though to have a tag or category or similar so that people looking for that sort of thing could find it easier.



P.S. - BlackRoseofThorns' post above has some nice suggestions as well.

Edited by Mordorkin
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