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Wrye Bash 295 and Cobl 172


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Hello everyone!


Does any one knows if Cobl 172 is compatible with WB 295? I previously installed Cobl using WB 291 and it work perfectly but with WB 295 it state that there is a missing with Cobl.esm. Will someone tell me if there is a solution or just that they are not compatible? Thanks in advance, Hanker109.

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does your load order have a cobl.esm


and is it activated


(cobl 172 has a cobl .esm - so if its gone you got other issues to solve)


Hi Fonger! Although the initial WB "Install Tab" showed a ticked Cobl.esm, there was none in the BOSS list. I had to use OBMM in order to make this mod work properly. I'm trying to install as many mods as possible using WB but it seems that many mods are incompatible. That is why I posted the question. Certainly appreciate your help and want to give you many thanks for that. Best regards, Hanker109

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