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help w/ redoran quests


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Piece o' cake my friend...


Leave Maar Gan through the west gate (close to the silt strider). You'll be heading straight west. As soon as the road starts heading *slightly* away from west, leave the road and walk on the hilly area on your right. You'll soon see the Rothan Tomb ahead of you. You can't see the tomb from the main road and there are no paths leading from the main road to it. You should only past one signpost on the way. If you've reached the second one, you've gone too far. Your target 'dude' is in the Tomb.

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thanks. now after i build my stronghold, how do i find corruption in the caldera mines. i've got that guy's book who uses the mine's money for a private fund. that should be enough evidense. i freed dahleena before i found this book. when i present the book to the llethri guy, nothing happens.


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IIRC and its a while since I've done it, you have to speak to the slaves at the Caldera mine as well, so they dish the dirt. Think you may also have to free them so they can spread their story. No sure about this one though, suggest you check UESP as they will have them all in detail
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I'm pretty certain that you have to hand him the ledger before you shut down the mine. However what does your journal say? If it has jumped to shutting down the mine you can kill the mine foreman, equally as effective. If that doesn't help look for a cheat or relao a saved game. (Sometimes having alcohol beside you to nullify the pain of MW is helpful!)
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everyone's suggestions helped a whole lot! i ended up going to the construction set and placing dahleena again in the mine area. then, in game, i killed her!! haha! the llethri guy thought this was good enough and he gave me some ebony boots. good enough for me. thanks guys.
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