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Why use companions?


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"What do we do Mr. Dragonborn?"

"Stay right here."

"Here? Right here? What about, say... over there?"

"No, right here."

"But the drag-"

"right here"

"Okay... :("

*runs off while dragon feasts on friend*

Edited by Adrius2
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Well in NV and FO3 you got XP as well. I think in NV you actually got it all. But forgive me if I'm wrong it's been quite sometime since I've played either of them.


But I always liked having the company of someone else, not only that but your companions can now steal stuff for you, open locks, attack whomever you wish, etc. I personally would like to have one to try out the new system and such, but I'm the kind of person who likes having someone follow me around. I get to make fun of them when I like :P

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Why take a companion?


Well...so they can carry all that phat lewt you obtain without your having to decide what to drop and what to take...CARRY IT ALL


And yea...in FO and NV companion kills gave you XP...you just don't get the credit for achievement kills.

Edited by lukertin
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Why take a companion?


Well...so they can carry all that phat lewt you obtain without your having to decide what to drop and what to take...CARRY IT ALL


And yea...in FO and NV companion kills gave you XP...you just don't get the credit for achievement kills.

Sadly I think that your characters can't act as pack mules :(

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If I recall correctly, you get all the exp from kills your companions make on Fallout New Vegas.

Yes, which made Boone a decent companion as he was just about the only one that didn't run in front of you while you were busy trying to shoot stuff. He was also a murderous exp machine that pulled so much weight that at times it felt like I was the companion and he was the PC. I didn't even have to buy him ammo. It was great!


I generally dislike companions as it's hard to get the AI right. A smart person would never run in front of their buddy who was blazing away with a machine gun next to them, yet an AI person will often waltz through your field of fire, which made hardcore mode an exercise in frustration. Thus, after getting into Oblivion after playing FO3 and FO:NV, and after watching the companion AI in those games fumble and trip all over their dicks, repeatedly, I've been a tad gun-shy about anything that even hints at a "Bring me along for the quest" character. Clearing Kvatch was painful, to say the least, but at least their reason for running full-tilt at the enemy was that they were all armed with swords. The AI in the Fallout games has no such excuse, but after playing Oblivion I can see where it came from; Bethesda didn't pull out the "Get close and hit them with your weapon" part of the programming when they made the FO3 TC for the Oblivion engine.


I liked the modded companions, but I shy away from vanilla companions for the express reason that they seem so, well, frikkin' stupid. All the time. It's as if the moment my character isn't looking, they break open their box of retard sandwiches, and stuff as many in their mouth as they can fit.


That, and companions are really useful for when you're a low level character. And you run into a Dragon. :psyduck:

Lucky for us the AI doesn't mind when you run from the dragon screaming "EAT HIM FIRST!"


Also known as "I don't have to be the fastest runner, I just have to run faster than him." :devil:

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because you want sexy elf girls following you around and stealing your experience and not dressing them. :wacko:


Yes, that's it exactly! Um, Vilja is looking at me kind of funny so I better ...ouch what you hit me for?

Edited by macole
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I generally don't like companions. They usually just get in the way and ruin strategies, and when they are really beneficial it feels like cheating or even worse, that they are the real protagonists =D


But I can see how people really love them.

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