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Hair in Skyrim static or natural?


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Yeah, those videos are from the company hired to do work for the upcoming World of Darkness MMO. I think the awesome hair & cloth physics is great, but we'll have to wait & see how applicable they are in actual game environments when everyone's hair & clothes are blowing around like that. Will it adversely affect frame rates?


I hope so. I've got a great computer and would like more games to push it's limits. the WoD liscense is a very atmospheric one and will benift tremendously from added realism and artistic value. I'm really excited for this game, possibly even more so than Skyrim lol

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I hear ya Fatal. The only two games I'm currently looking forward to is Skyrim and the WoD MMO. I love the WoD franchise too, but, man there are so many ways for an MMO to go wrong with it. I'm not yet confident that the Eve people will make good with it.
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do you have even the faintest idea how computationally taxing hair rendering is? especially in real-time, with multiple High-poly count characters on-screen with additional filtering and VFX being used simultaneously?


I work with CGI applications and I personally use a 1000 point haircount on all my 3D models when using fur/hair effects. Surface culling helps, especially if I want the project to render before the next ice-age.


trust me, the last thing you want is to give your computer a hairball, it's bad enough when cats get them.

Edited by shadow_scale9180
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Bare in mind that CCP is a PC developer and is not concerned with the limitations of consoles and DX9. I believe the entire point of the preview of said engine was to highlight this capability.


At the very least it's not hard to add physics to an object and create hair with it via alpha layers. Hell, I make physical "hair" all the time in Secondlife where Oblivion/FO3/NV doesn't have it.


As a game dev company I can't imagine why they would bother creating systems they couldn't use in their game.

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do you have even the faintest idea how computationally taxing hair rendering is? especially in real-time, with multiple High-poly count characters on-screen with additional filtering and VFX being used simultaneously?


I work with CGI applications and I personally use a 1000 point haircount on all my 3D models when using fur/hair effects. Surface culling helps, especially if I want the project to render before the next ice-age.


trust me, the last thing you want is to give your computer a hairball, it's bad enough when cats get them.


A simple one such as the one we see in Vampire Bloodlines would suffice. That wasn't taxing on the hardware. There was even basic physics on clothes in that game.




I have been asking to modders whether it is possible to make some kind of realistic hair mod for New Vegas-Fallout3 for a very long time but they went on and made realistic boobs instead. I'm not complaining though... :)

Edited by ancalimonungol
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do you have even the faintest idea how computationally taxing hair rendering is? especially in real-time, with multiple High-poly count characters on-screen with additional filtering and VFX being used simultaneously?


I work with CGI applications and I personally use a 1000 point haircount on all my 3D models when using fur/hair effects. Surface culling helps, especially if I want the project to render before the next ice-age.


trust me, the last thing you want is to give your computer a hairball, it's bad enough when cats get them.


A simple one such as the one we see in Vampire Bloodlines would suffice. That wasn't taxing on the hardware. There was even basic physics on clothes in that game.




I have been asking to modders whether it is possible to make some kind of realistic hair mod for New Vegas-Fallout3 for a very long time but they went on and made realistic boobs instead. I'm not complaining though... :)


What on earth is going on in her top in the second video? they've got a life of their own. :ohdear:

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