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The Weapon Mod Menu


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Thanks for all of the feedback, folks. It's been very helpful.


Fonger: The weapon has to be equipped before the script can see if it has any mods or not, so unfortunately it won't be possible to hide the X prompt beforehand. As for X not working if the mod isn't in the list is due to the hijacked input of the inventory menu. Removing the XML includes returns it to normal. Does schlangster's updated dll help the initial problem, though?


jonnyeah: I've changed it to read as "Telescopic sight. Aim zoom + X%" as a compromise. I think it's important to keep the percentage, but I agree that it should be more indicative of the mod's use. (Although the mods usually have "scope" in the name.)


antistar: Thanks for letting me know. I never noticed the two "None" types. (Mostly because I never paid much attention to the list in the Mod Info tab...) :blush:



  • Added new wmod_ext.dll provided by schlangster
  • Fixed mod description for "None" type
  • Updated description for several mod types
  • Added message for "X cannot be modified."
  • Added a few debug globals


For those of you having problems with the selected weapon not being equipped before opening the menu, I've added some debug globals. "WMMDebug" will print out info to the console regarding the equipping section of the script. "WMMDelay1" and "WMMDelay2" can be used to add delays, in frames, to the equipping process. Try changing these to different values to see if a delay helps guarantee the force equip. The format is just like any other global, e.g.: set WMMDelay1 to 1

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Works like a charm, this was the only thing needed to complete the game :biggrin:
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Once this is finalized, I'm definitely gonna consider it. And from what I gather, it works with WME/WMX? Does this mean it will work with other custom weapons that have mods attached, like AG's Supplementary Uniques?

my guess is that this works with any mod applying mod.


and it does work with MWE

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When I apply a Condition-boosting mod, it seems to retain the old absolute health value when it applies the boost, resulting in a drop in CND as a percentage (example: 75/100 before CND-boosting mod, 75/150 after). Could there be a CND percentage check when the mod screen appears, and then after the menu is closed to adjust if there's been a change in CND as a percentage?
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There's only one problem i've encounterd could you make it compatible with project nevada and unified HUD, that would be great ;D


and i'm don't have the skills to combine it myself

Edited by ceten
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There's only one problem i've encounterd could you make it compatible with project nevada and unified HUD, that would be great ;D


and i'm don't have the skills to combine it myself

Err- it compatible with anything :)

If you have working installation (with Nevada and UHUD)- just install this mod (using Package manager) in the end- and you are ready to go

It will not break anything.

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