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Skyrim Journal Challenge


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A bit of a nod to the Skyrim Hardcore Mode topic, the idea behind this challenge is that the players agreeing to this will write out their adventures to Skyrim from the perspective of their character. This opens up the opportunity to get a real feel for your character's mindset, and it's fun to flesh them out.


Assuming this topic survives once Skyrim launches, how many of you would be willing to take on this challenge, and how many of you wouldn't mind posting a few excerpts from your journal to this topic? :biggrin:

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A bit of a nod to the Skyrim Hardcore Mode topic, the idea behind this challenge is that the players agreeing to this will write out their adventures to Skyrim from the perspective of their character. This opens up the opportunity to get a real feel for your character's mindset, and it's fun to flesh them out.


Assuming this topic survives once Skyrim launches, how many of you would be willing to take on this challenge, and how many of you wouldn't mind posting a few excerpts from your journal to this topic? :biggrin:


I will be doing this, but on my Adventures in Skyrim blog. (with pictures if I can)

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I'll go one step further and post videos of my character voicing his reactions to quests and NPCs in-character. For weeks I've been planning on getting an extra hard drive before launch so I have plenty of room for the videos.


Will the result be incredibly campy, amusing, just another Skyrim video or all of the above? I guess we'll find out soon enough!

Edited by xaliqen
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A bit of a nod to the Skyrim Hardcore Mode topic, the idea behind this challenge is that the players agreeing to this will write out their adventures to Skyrim from the perspective of their character. This opens up the opportunity to get a real feel for your character's mindset, and it's fun to flesh them out.


Assuming this topic survives once Skyrim launches, how many of you would be willing to take on this challenge, and how many of you wouldn't mind posting a few excerpts from your journal to this topic? :biggrin:


Well since the Australian special edition comes with a 100 page journal and I have also studied calligraphy, and I also own several fountain pens one of which happens to have a perfect red ink in it with a broad nib.


game on :dance:


though it depends on how soon my character comes across a dragon as 100 pages may not be enough.

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