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Need a Werewolf?


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Any scripters and animators out there that are looking to get together for a werewolf mod? .. I'm not bad with fur covered creatures and would love to model a werewolf when the game comes out.


BTW werewolves have been confirmed NOT in the base game by 9lives magazine.


Some of my work with fur.. Both unfinished.


edit: It would seem this part of the forum is lacking in traffic currently .. so if your interested send me an IM





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Certainly do not mod personally myself, but best of luck to you and anyone that helps.


P.S. Nice sketches bro.


P.P.S. If this works out for you and it does get created, hit me up with a link to it if you can.



Deathbomber132 :)


Email: [email protected]


Just send it as "INFO ON WEREWOLF MOD" and yes, make it capitalized so I can tell it is not jst some spam or something.

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I was considering getting into modding when Skyrim came around.


I personally hope someone does make a good werewolf mod for Skyrim. I was planning to eventually take a shot after learning how to mod well enough (Although knowing me, I'll probably end up forgetting about it or giving up)

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Seems nice a good idea but aren´t they release it as a DLC?


see.. this is how the werewolf thing got started .. rumors and expectations .. I don't think you should expect this because it probably won't happen . since when does bethesda release DLC based on what people in forums are guessing at? .. bethesda makes story based DLC and don't normally just do what the fans ask for .. people expecting werewolf dlc are most likely heading for the same let down... I'm not bashing bethesda! .. I'm bashing my fellow fans for spreading rumors :hurr:

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Even if they do, there's nothing to stop one from creating and releasing a modified version.


If DLC is released, fine. If not just gives you more freedom (and creates a lot more work) in creating the mod itself.

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We've got a large modding team for Beyond Boulder Dome, a New Vegas mod. We've got 25+ members in our team.


When Skyrim comes out, we'll be starting a Skyrim project as well, so you are welcome to join our team as a modeller. In the mean-time you could model creatures for the Vegas mod, if you wanted. But if you just prefer Skyrim, that'll be fine too.


Check out the links in my signature.



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hello, I was wondering, could you possible make this : http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs6/i/2005/025/3/5/Wereshark_Figurine_by_daffyart.jpg < please?


lols.. um.. most likely not ..But I've been thinking that if someone does want to team up for a werewolf mod later when the game is out.. I would like to add a wereboar as well! :D .. but thats assuming skyrim doesn't already have wereboar :whistling:

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