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Should I buy Skyrim for PC or 360?


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The title basically says it all, my PC is more than capable, of running Skyrim with all settings on max, assuming its not harder on my setup than Crysis 2.


The problem is I really dig playing games on my nice big HD TV, in my nice comfy lazy-boy. I'm not sure why, but the feel of a game, and the way I play it with the 360 controller feel more natural to me.




With a game as epic in scope as Skyrim, I don't want to sell my self short.


I hope you can all see my dilemma, I'm not trying to start a PC Vs 360 war here, I really intend to just purchase one copy of the game at midnight, and I want to put my pre-order in by this Friday, but I just cant commit myself to either setup! Help!

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Asking a site focused on PC gaming whether you should buy a game for PC or not... Hmmm. :P


In all seriousness? I suggest your PC. You can easily hook up your Xbox and get it to run, though you may need to tinker a bit, and the mods will be a pretty good advantage for PC.

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PC. Mods. nuff said. Plus, as said above, a lot of HDTV's have HDMI, so if your graphics card has an hdmi hookup, I'd use that.
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PC in every way. It's going to look way better, have the ability to be modded, and you can still play it with a controller. Of course PC, what a silly question haha.
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there are a million reasons to get it on PC and only one to get it for the consoles .. that one is a weak PC .. soooo.. get it on your PC :P .. if you wanna game with your controller then plug it into your PC "yes it works but you might need a cheap little adapter if your wireless" .. then if you want to use your TV just plug you PC into is.. all solved.
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Gotta say PC. Mods add tons of replayability. +1 for HDMI/DVI/D-Sub to connect PC to the Hi Def and xbox controller as others have suggested. My monitor right now is a 50" plasma, bought basically for skyrim, although I will say new vegas looks pretty damn amazing on it as well, cant go wrong with a massive screen -_-
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Bethesda makes good games, no doubt, but the best part of the games Bethesda makes is modding, or just using mods. What PC has and Xbox doesn't? Modding. So, yes, PC.


And as mentioned above, if you like "console experience"... HDMI cable + TV + Xbox controller = Exactly like Xbox, except for it's better.


True, I'm computer person trough and trough, but in all honesty I really can't see any advantage in getting non-Japan-RPGs on console whatsoever. Some action titles are actually cooler on consoles, but sure as hell not RPGs and strategies.

Edited by elvinkun
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