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Any word on what mesh format Skyrim will use?


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I think you'll have to pay some attention to the rigging if the bone transforms are in any way different, so either way it'll need to be reexported, not to mention, very close to NV format might mean NV format is invalid and needs to be reexported anyway.

It could have been v 30.x.x nifs. with the NiMesh blocks instead of NiTrishape/Strip blocks. Which have been a bit of a headache as nifskope can't even render that block correctly yet.


But I don't think they were going into hat version myself either. Which from an asset creation stand point, makes things easier for me. not to mention the tools might be able to open and render then nifs pretty much day one. 8)

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There's also body scaling adjustments now, though I suppose it's possible the engine just takes care of that and the data isn't in the nif. In any case, I actually hope it's a bit more complex to work with, will reduce the amount of crud/shoddy conversions and rips that appear.. Edited by greywaste
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There's also body scaling adjustments now, though I suppose it's possible the engine just takes care of that and the data isn't in the nif. In any case, I actually hope it's a bit more complex to work with, will reduce the amount of crud/shoddy conversions and rips that appear..

As long as all the "professional" l33t modders get off their butts then and make everything quickly for everyone asking ASAP? We don't want to do them out of full time work by doing our own shoddy mods for ourselves :)

Edited by ozziefire
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Do most 3D packages support .nif exporting? Or is a plugin required for this? Would be nice to know so I can sort everything out now and not faff around when I'm ready to get into modding, just to get annoyed and lose my flame of inspiration! :happy:
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Do most 3D packages support .nif exporting? Or is a plugin required for this? Would be nice to know so I can sort everything out now and not faff around when I'm ready to get into modding, just to get annoyed and lose my flame of inspiration! :happy:

You will need a plugin. Seems some exporters do a better job than others, based on what I can infer.

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Do most 3D packages support .nif exporting? Or is a plugin required for this? Would be nice to know so I can sort everything out now and not faff around when I'm ready to get into modding, just to get annoyed and lose my flame of inspiration! :happy:

it both depending on what you are using.

maya,3d max and blender support nifs at different levels. it depends on the work being done on the project, none are native you have to get them from niftools.

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Do most 3D packages support .nif exporting? Or is a plugin required for this? Would be nice to know so I can sort everything out now and not faff around when I'm ready to get into modding, just to get annoyed and lose my flame of inspiration! :happy:

it both depending on what you are using.

maya,3d max and blender support nifs at different levels. it depends on the work being done on the project, none are native you have to get them from niftools.


Thank you, I'd more than likely be using Max. Only very simple models I imagine though.

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I am new to the forums, I have found a way to open the mesh files, by using a modified xml file with NIF scope and using a hex editor to change numerical values of the Skyrim mesh.bsa file.Would this be any of use? since I hope that mods come out for Skyrim as soon as possible :).

Edited by deuterium_1
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