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Two ideas, one big, one small



27 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these ideas looks the best

    • Origins Wardens
    • Warden Talents
    • Specialization Expansion
    • Archdemon Dreams
    • All of the Above

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I've had a similar idea to your Origins idea. Though mine would be different in that you get to play through each origin and get to create each character, even the two mages (human and elf) which seem to have different names and slightly different backgrounds so that's how I justify having both of them. There would just be a "main" character that is the protagonist. I just don't like that I have to start a new game to play each origin when really, there's no reason why Duncan wouldn't have recruited all of these people. They all crossed his path at some point before he left to Ostagar. And considering the possibility of a Blight happening, wouldn't he want to recruit as many people as possible?


It would mean you'd have to redesign some plot points. Though I can see some ways you can make it work.

1. The Human and Elf Mage Origins can simply exist at the same time and be in each other's party.

2. I like your idea of these characters being voiced but I don't like the gender restrictions. A voice for each gender variation of the Warden perhaps? With the choices you made during your playthrough of their origin impacting their behavior once you all meet in Ostagar and from that point on? Dialogue, banter between wardens, becoming friends, lovers, etc. This could be done without the voices as well.

2. All Wardens walk with Duncan to Ostagar when they run into the King and the King has a conversation with each Warden.

3. You have to collect more Darkspawn blood for the other Wardens. Who all survive the Joining while the main protagonist passes out.

4. The main protagonist and Alister go to light the signal. The other Wardens join the battle (which I guess means you can have the other Wardens go on various missions: i.e. scouting, diverting attention from the troops, flanking their defenses, etc). Flemeth rescues all the Wardens.

5. Various Wardens become involved during missions that affect them (The Dwarves during their return to their homeland, City Elf during hir return(s) to the Alienage, etc) and the plot/dialogue should reflect that.

6. These new Wardens can have romances with other characters (Alister and the Human Noble for instance) and even themselves (The Dalish and City Elf, The Dwarf Commoner and Dwarf Noble, the Mages) depending on the preferences of the character.

7. During the final battle at Denerim when you assign characters to either join the main protagonist or stay at the gates, there should also be a quest for the rest of the Wardens to clear the city of Darkspawn.

8. The City Elf heads to the Alienage and takes charge of the clearing there. Plot wise, this makes sense.

9. After the killing of the Archdemon:

a) if the main protagonist takes the ultimate sacrifice then a funeral is held, like usual. However, unlike in the "normal" version of DAO, a celebration is still held with the new King/Queen of Ferelden and the rest of the Heroes of Ferelden, with their perspective companions and family/friends (Cyric, etc) in the audience.

b) Regardless of whether the ultimate sacrifice was made or not, the King/Queen asks each Warden what they want and grants them that wish (these choices of course, being dependent on their Origin).

c) Each Warden can talk to their perspective companions and their family/friends before the story ends.

d) The Epilogue will reflect the origins and choices of all the Wardens.

10. This might be the more difficult and least possible of all the changes.. Being able to choose which Warden will continue on to DA: Awakening. Except of course, for the dead one if the main protagonist made the ultimate sacrifice.


These of course, are just my ideas. And I imagine I missed some areas where some plot changes would have to be made to accommodate all these extra Wardens.

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  • 1 month later...

You beat me to this!!!!!


That said, I like your idea and will now use your thread to dump every little idea that pops into my head (So most wouldn't get implemented but thats why we discuss it here before we start talking about REALITY)


Gameplay and companions:


If we use vanilla and don't try to create new abilities then your choices for the classes are PERFECT. That said what if we made the specs the new companions use be based off of plot choices and essentially be expanded versions of the vanilla...


For example!


Sacred ashes and Cousland.

Defile ashes: Grants Cousland Reaver based skills and possibly a change in personality. (He obviously comes from a religious family and your actions could change his viewpoint on his religion/you/the world. Causing him to resent you/commend you or begin to think more in a "ends justify the means" outlook. Could also add more to his "stress" but I'll touch up on that later.


Don't Defile: Grants him Templar like skills and overall improves his outlook essentially reducing his "stress" levels and make him more averse to "evil" actions when he wouldn't have been otherwise (aka unhardening.)


Cousland: harden or soften?

This is more of the traditional hardening of the character plot point (ala Aliistair and Leliana) The Warden could convince him to be vengeful of his families death and make more "evil" choices which would make him more ends justify the means aka warden viewpoint at the cost of him eventually becoming a shell of his former self (I thought about making him develop a drinking problem!) Obviously softening would be to make him let go of his hate and make him a man his father would be proud of.


Hardening = awesome berzerker skillz

Softening = awesome champion skillz


Expanded skills that I think would work for each origin that could be acquired through plot:


Aedan: Champion vs Berserker, Templar vs Reaver

Amell: Spirit healer vs blood mage, Battle mage vs ???

Surana: Arcane warrior, Shapeshfter vs Keeper vs Battlemage

Kallian: Assassin vs Duelist, Bard vs Shadow

Theron: Ranger, New ranged spec taking notes from da2?

Natia: Legionnaire scout, Duelist.

Duran: Guardian vs Berserker, Champion.


Something to note is that I choose these of of plotpoints while trying to make them gameplay viable. Obviously this can be ignored and/or built upon.


Player Choice and Character interactions:


My opinion on character interactions (if there was to be romance) is that opposites attract. Also note that I'll exclude vanilla party members from this so as not to jumble it up (also also just assume most or all would romance player regardless of background if you so wish.)



Cousland/Tabris: Now this relationship is VERY interesting to me. A noble ruined her life and put her on the path she is on, because of this she has a bias against humans; especially nobles. Now Cousland is also a victim of a noble, these two are not so different after all. The relationship could start of rocky, you know with her vendetta against all nobles while Cousland is left confused as to why she hates him so. The player could at this point cause them to hate each other or for them to fall in love, the latter happening if the player doesn't take pains to sacrifice the relationship. If we go with my version of Cousland then this (or any) relationship could be part of his struggle to fight for his humanity (seriously I like the idea of his character devolving unless the player does something about it)


Cousland/Natia: As you said, she would start with a bit of a bias due to him being a noble but would come to like him as he treated her as a person. This could be a secondary romance if the player romances Duran and/or ruined Kallian's and Aedan's romance.


Duran/Natia: It could honestly go two ways, They could end up hating each other or they would ultimately end up loving each other. This romance is good for so many reasons because it could change Duran's viewpoint on the world and add more to the paragon of her kind storyline because Duran would want to depose his brother and she would want her sister to live a good life thus putting the player in an awkward position.


Duran/kallian: Secondary romance if Natia is romanced by player and Aedan/Tabris is sabotaged. Couple of good reasons for this one but I can't find a way to put them to paper... So to speak.


Surana/Amell: No idea if you want Amell male or female but these two probably know each other quite well and could have romantic relations starting off or even better... They HAD romantic relation but that got screwed over when AMELL sided with JOWAN and SURANA sided with IRVING and regardless of Surana's reasoning (aka wanted to save Amell from himself by telling Irving that they both would go undercover) Amell doesn't forgive her. Romance could be started if player helps repair it.


Surana/Tabris: Tabris has a lot of respect/awe for Surana, sometimes respect/awe becomes something more.


Surana/Natia: If Duran is romanced and Amell/Surana relationship not repaired then this could be a possible combination.


Amell/Cousland: Again unsure if Amell = male or female but eitherway this could be a good romance regardless of gender if the Surana/Amell romance isn't repaired and the Cousland/Kallian romance is destroyed. If not a romance then this could be an awesome bromance.


Natia/Kallian: Come on with such similar situations they lived under why not? DOWN WITH THE NOBILITY!!!!



Events in which the origin characters could take control out of your hands or die:


Obviously this would have to start with a skeleton of a module before being fleshed out but if and when it's popularity increases then we can start making consequences for bringing party members with you (remember they would've been YOU, don't expect them to just sit by and let you make all the choices.)


A Paragon of Her kind:

*Duran wants to dethrone

*Natia supports Bhelen because he wants to remove castes and marry her sister.

*Natia or Duran could end up dying in a cutscene if taken into the deep roads depending on player's choices.

*Duran will crown himself king if taken to Orzammar climax, ending with a threeway fight between the wardens, Harrowmont, and Bhelen. The player may also betray Duran, ending with a battle against a boss (or norm) Duran.


Nature of the Beast:

*Theron will defend the keeper with his life if you attack him in ANY WAY.

*Any hostile action versus any elf that he finds out about could have DIRE consequences.

*Stealing from the Dalish may result in MAJOR reputation loss.


Sacred Ashes/Redcliffe:

*Cousland could become hostile depending on choices in redcliffe.

*Surana could become hostile depending on choices.


The Circle:

*Amell could become hostile.

*Kallian may become hostile.

*Surana may become hostile.


The landsmeet:

*Cousland may leave party if not taken to Howe's esate.

*If Cousland is not fully "Softened" he will leave the party upon arrival and assault Howe's Estate head on, reducing enemy strength but ultimately ending with his death at Howe's hand. If Cousland is "softened" he will stay in the party and live.

*However if Cousland is made fully vengeful or completely "hardened" he will survive and remorsefully comment that he feels no different following Howe's death, leaving a broken man and allowing the player one last chance to "Soften" him.

*Surana, Kallian, and Theron may turn hostile depending on how the Alienage is handled. They may also just leave the party.

*Depending on player's choices some companions may end up dead during landsmeet (for example hardened Allistair and hardened Cousland are in a party, and player spares Loghain, Allistair will decide to fight and Cousland [if loyal to you] will kill him in the cutscene but be remorseful afterwards but [if he isn't loyal to you] then he and any other Loghain hating warden will engage you in combat; ending with a bloodbath.)


I'll get on my idea of character personalities on a later date and I hope what I've added sparks a debate rather than flames.

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Someone should actually do this! :O Why don't some of us actually ask the modders who already have mods done and see if they will take our ideas? I'm working on a Tamlen script right now, any one have any ideas ? I'm trying to write scripts for my friend who did the Tamlen mod.
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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Why not start simple... lets make faces for this new characters...


Yes im talking to you... the person reading this...


Everyone and their grandma knows how to make new faces so why not try and see who can make the best concept art characters... :)

Edited by MysteriousGuy
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