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would the game support more than 3GB of RAM unmodded?


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that was what pissed me of about FO3 and FONV. that the games require mods or external programs to make it run with more than 3GB of ram.

is that still gonna be a problem with Skyrim?


You can count on it, along with every other game that runs as a 32-bit application. So, pretty much every game.

Edited by xaliqen
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that was what pissed me of about FO3 and FONV. that the games require mods or external programs to make it run with more than 3GB of ram.

is that still gonna be a problem with Skyrim?



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No, Skyrim won't use more then 2 GB of RAM. And it shouldn't, when you don't have any mods installed.

If you have difficulties running the game with a lot of mods installed, then that's your problem not Bethesda's. And I don't see the problem with installing a mod/3rd party software to allow the usage of more then 2Gb of Ram. :confused:

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This is not so much a game issue as it is a Windows and Address size issue.


A 32bit Operating system only supports about 3.25G anyway, and some of that MUST be used by the operating system. Putting in more than 4 G of RAM into a 32 bit system is just a waste of ram that can not be used as the Operating system can not address that extra RAM. Also, the 32 bit windows without the Large Address Aware patch only allocates 2G to any one application. The patch allows it to use as much as is available, So for the Large Address Aware Patch will get you about 3G max - IF you have more than 3.25G installed.


Where it really helps is with a 64 bit system, where it can use much more ram. There, the Large Address Aware patch will allow over 4G of ram to be used. Where you might expect a 64 bit system to be able to address double what a 32 bit system can, it's really an exponential increase. A 64 bit system can theoretically handle 16 Exabytes - that's 17.2 BILLION GigaBytes. However, Win7 Home basic limits it to just 8 G. Win7 Home Premium to 16G and Win7Pro and up to limits it to only 192G, or 32 times as much as their 32bit system. :tongue:

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My issue with adding a large memory awareness patch is that these are incompatible with anything else that modifiers the EXE. It was never an issue in Fallout but in Oblivion I had to pick between stability (more memory, less crashing because of running into the limit) and the lovely "fake fullscreen" thing that I really liked to get around the alt tab issues without the huge performance hit that game somehow took whenever it was played Windowed. Edited by Valamyr
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I will tell you this if you have 4 GB or less memory don't change from windows xp 32 bit to windows 7 64 bit.


You won't feel the diffrence since my xp with norton internet security takes around 300 MB to run and windows 7 64 bit with norton internet security takes around 1 GB.


Windows xp do not sees more then 3,25 GB but it takes much less ram to run.


On windows 7 64 bit on the other hand, you can use your 4 GB but it is the same more as on xp since it takes around 1 GB to run.


I have used both I have to say that windows 7 have more options but windows xp run faster.


He doesn't have so much problems that windows 7 and if you are worry about dx 11, it doesn't look so awesome.


I will give you example firefox 7.0.1


I have around 20 tabs open and on windows xp it is around 2 GB memory and on windows 7 it takes up to 3,6 GB so you can the diffrence.


2000 MB - 300 MB = 1700 MB on windows xp for running 20 tabs on firefox.


3600 - 1000 = 2600 when running 20 tabs on firefox.


But if you have 6 or 8 GB ram then change to windows 7 64 bit because only then it is worth the trouble.

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