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Need some texture help and advice


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So, I've been making a mod to add more guns and make others more useful (looking at you SMG) so far I've added a lever action .44, 50 cal and 10mm. My plan was to have the .44 and 50 cal use silver and gold receivers respectively so that they would look more unique. Unfortunately, my re-textures look like s*** so i was hoping someone could point me to some good looking silver/gold re-textures. As for the 10mm Varmint carbine I have no clue how to make it look unique (Different wood color maybe?).


I was able to add bayonets to the guns as well and was wondering what everyone one thinks about that? I know that in real life a lever action rifle is not sturdy enough for a bayonet but this is a game. I also want at lest two of each gun to be placed in guaranteed locations but I'm not sure where to put them any ideas?


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Are you working on PBR? Wich programs do you use? Well, FO4 don´t support the convenient pbr workflows. Look may it help you, the _s.dds uses only 2 channel wich are red and green, I use the glossiness in the green chanel and the specular map in the red channel. If you are using some painter software, choose the pbr spec/gloss workflow. Now once you exported the maps with the intel dds plugin, the rest of the job is tweaking the bgsm file of your nif. I learned that from Jeffglobal, he is sure that the weird results of pbr in game are caused by the bgsm wich controle our textures in game. Hope it helped, At least its like I work with textures.

Edited by covadonga
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I'm using GIMP 2.8.2. I've mostly been just been colorizing and tweaking the Hugh and saturation to get a silver/gold look. My problem is probably that I'm trying to make a scratched, rusty and worn receiver look like a polished new one.

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After lots of screwing around I have mad no progress, nothing I do changes the textures in any meaningful way not editing the normal map, defuse or specular and the lever gun dose not use a pallet so thats off the table (even opening the mesh in NIF scope and editing the textures dose nothing). As far as I can tell the lever textures are completely uneditable for anyone outside Bethesda and should be left alone.

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Update when I use a texture swap I get a warning "ANIMATION:STAT 'DLC03\Weapons\LeverGun\LeverGun.nif' has a controller that targets the root 3D." Maybe the lever gun's texture is hard coded?


Update 2: I just tried editing the mini maps and exporting the defuse map in DX1 and It miraculously started working so yeah communist victory i guess.



Still need to make custom 10mm textures and what not but I got the cursed textures to work.

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