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Blindness effect?


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I came to this idea while discussing some of the more exotic eye replacement mods with a friend. Eyes without pupils are one thing. Why not actually 'be' blind?


Immediate effects:


- No colours. Everyhing is predominantly black. What do you see represents only what you can hear.

- You can't see more than maybe 10, 15 feet ahead of you (exact distance is open for debate). No visible sky or sun. Light sources also obviously are not visible.

- Textures are grey / very dark / not visible at all. No light maps or bumpmaps, if possible. If anything you only see the rough outlines of objects (through the echoing of sound, everywhere). Nice, subtle shader effects.

- Something that makes a sound, briefly lights the shader up. Talking or screaming obviously is a lot brighter than walking or sneaking.

- Objects that move become easier to see. Doors, hanging signs, chains, a burning fire, trees swaying in the wind, bushes.. etc.


Optional: perhaps the nature of magic allows you to see certain things even if you're blind. Detect Life would definitely be one of them. But the rest might require a lot more consideration. :ohdear:

Edited by yunage
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Parts of this mod are possible.


Making all textures look dark is possible with mods like ScreenEffects. Removing all light sources is possible, however they would be completely removed - as in your opponents would not see you either, if you were sneaking.

Removing maps from textures in game is not possible though.


Blindness 10-15 feet away... An imaginative scripter could come up with something I'm sure :)


As for moving objects, I am not so sure. Because of how sound and movement are produced by the game, it would not likely be possible to capture every visible and audible object and apply a shader, but certain objects are easy. Actors for example, would be no problem. Trees however, would likely be very difficult to do.


Default magic shaders would probably still be applied anyway :)

As for the "sonar vision", that would take a genius of a scripter to do.



Like I said, certain aspects of this mod are very possible, some could be done with thought and effort, but some is near impossible. Hope this helps :)

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  • 5 months later...

For the vision part, a script that constantly checks your position and moves an object that blocks your vision, like a cloud dome used in caves retextured black or something, however far away you want it at all times. The dome would be around the player like a turtle's shell.


I imagine it would lag the game immensely though...

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Just bit of a brain fart here... I know that when I've messed something up in OBGE, it turns the screen black. Can this not be replicated intentionally?
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Highlighting a walking or talking actor can be done with the OBSE function "GetHighActors", then assessing each one to see who walks or talks and applying shaders to them. Im not sure how effective this would be, but its a start and much better than ref-walking.
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I was wondering about using a variation on the fog already found in the game. It seems to me that a realistic looking effect would have a somewhat gradual drop off in what's visible the farther away it was, something like the fog effect only in this case you'd want the fall off to start closer and drop to zilch faster.
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Highlighting a walking or talking actor can be done with the OBSE function "GetHighActors", then assessing each one to see who walks or talks and applying shaders to them. Im not sure how effective this would be, but its a start and much better than ref-walking.


I'm pretty sure anything is better than ref-walking to be honest... It was just the first thing that popped into my head. It would work... But it wouldn't be too efficient.

Edited by Guest
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  • 4 years later...

Well, I'm thinking about posting this if I can't find this suggestion, but it might interest in your request. It's to make something like Illidan Stormrage's(from Warcraft III and WOW) sight.


Couldn't people make a version of Night-Eye, that instead of making everything blue-ish, makes everything completely black(except spell effects), and then add versions of detect life effects for Friendly Actors(blue), Hostile Actors(red or orange), Colision Objects(like walls and ground, yellow), and Activatable Objects(like chests, doors, and so on. green)?


Then the mod could detect a specific skill(preferably Mysticism) and increase the perception radius depending on skill(but still be rather short, like starting at apprentice level with 10-15 meters, 20-30 meters on journeyman level, 45 meters at expert level, and up to 60 at Master level).

Edited by cajofor
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