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General_Durandal needs help with Morrowind Saves


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Hello, this is General_Durandal.


My Morrowind autosave and quicksave are broken.


The normal save works still.


When I try to wait or sleep it Freezes for 10-20 seconds than a popup apears, that says...


Unable to complete operation due to failure removing previos file.

Temp file remains.


Continue running executible?

[Yes] [No]


If I say No the game crashes...


If I say Yes another popup apears, that says...


CreateTES failed for file 'autosave.ess' Save aborted.


Continue running executible?

[Yes] [No]


If I say No the game crashes...


If I say Yes another popup apears, that says...




If I say OK the game go back to playmode...


This prevents me from leveling up.



When I try to quick save it Freezes for 10-20 seconds than a popup apears, that says...


Unable to complete operation due to failure removing previos file.

Temp file remains.


Continue running executible?

[Yes] [No]


If I say No the game crashes...


If I say Yes another popup apears, that says...


CreateTES failed for file 'quicksave.ess' Save aborted.


Continue running executible?

[Yes] [No]


If I say No the game crashes...


If I say Yes another popup apears, that says...


An error was encountered while saving the game.



If I say OK the game go back to playmode...


I searched google and "MartinAmber" at "ForumPlanet: Off-Topic Forums!" had a simeler problem...

Witch was answerd by "Bycote" at "ForumPlanet: Off-Topic Forums!".

"Bycote" said...


Can you save without resting? I mean, just press Esc to enter the game menu and try to save over an existing save. Will it let you? If not, then press Esc to enter the menu, go to save, but create a new save file instead of overwriting an existing file.


If none of those work, then you probably have access restrictions to the folder where Morrowind writes its saves. What operating system are you using, Vista, XP? And are you logged in as the admin?


If you can save files manually as suggested above, then you should go to your Morrowind saves folder (it's called "Saves" and is located right in your installed Morrowind folder) and delete the file autosave.ess, then try resting again. Also, you could try entering the game's options and disabling the "auto save when rest" option to see if that clears up the problem, but, of course, you may have to change your saving habits if you do this because the game won't autosave your character when you rest.


It also may help if we see the error messages exactly as they're displayed to you. Open the warnings.txt file in your installed Morrowind


folder and copy/paste all of its contents onto the forum.



I don't have a folder called "Saves" in my Morrowind folder so I can't delete the "autosave.ess"

from my game to see if it works.

and I have 3 saves right now.


I need help ASAP...



Edited by General_Durandal
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So you can't find the saves in your regular Morrowind\Saves folder as it folder does not appear at all?

It might have ended up in your virtual store which can be easily accessed by pasting %userprofile%\AppData\Local\VirtualStore into the navigation-bar of your folder windows (not here in your browser)

You can read more about it here .


If it ended up there it mean your PC doesn't think Morrowind earns the privileges to save in the regular folders.

Please tell if you're using Windows XP, Vista or 7 too.

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So you can't find the saves in your regular Morrowind\Saves folder as it folder does not appear at all?

It might have ended up in your virtual store which can be easily accessed by pasting %userprofile%\AppData\Local\VirtualStore into the navigation-bar of your folder windows (not here in your browser)

You can read more about it here .


If it ended up there it mean your PC doesn't think Morrowind earns the privileges to save in the regular folders.

Please tell if you're using Windows XP, Vista or 7 too.




I have a stupid Vista.


Is there a way to fix the save directory?

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Just remember that your future saves still probably have that tes extension on them, so you may well have to go into that file again, don't forget where it is!


Another way that I have found works is to uninstall the game and then defrag and restart the computer, re-install the game then start again, as you only have 3 saves, that means you're near the beginning of the game so it shouldn't be a problem to restart.


Just one thing, make sure that when the game is re-installed, you have administrator privileges or this is going to happen again. The easiest way to avoid any conflict is to check the box that says !play as Administrator!.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello, this is General_Durandal.


My Morrowind autosave and quicksave are broken.


The normal save works still.


When I try to wait or sleep it Freezes for 10-20 seconds than a popup apears, that says...


Unable to complete operation due to failure removing previos file.

Temp file remains.


Continue running executible?

[Yes] [No]


If I say No the game crashes...


If I say Yes another popup apears, that says...


CreateTES failed for file 'autosave.ess' Save aborted.


Continue running executible?

[Yes] [No]


If I say No the game crashes...


If I say Yes another popup apears, that says...




If I say OK the game go back to playmode...


This prevents me from leveling up.



When I try to quick save it Freezes for 10-20 seconds than a popup apears, that says...


Unable to complete operation due to failure removing previos file.

Temp file remains.


Continue running executible?

[Yes] [No]


If I say No the game crashes...


If I say Yes another popup apears, that says...


CreateTES failed for file 'quicksave.ess' Save aborted.


Continue running executible?

[Yes] [No]


If I say No the game crashes...


If I say Yes another popup apears, that says...


An error was encountered while saving the game.



If I say OK the game go back to playmode...


I searched google and "MartinAmber" at "ForumPlanet: Off-Topic Forums!" had a simeler problem...

Witch was answerd by "Bycote" at "ForumPlanet: Off-Topic Forums!".

"Bycote" said...


Can you save without resting? I mean, just press Esc to enter the game menu and try to save over an existing save. Will it let you? If not, then press Esc to enter the menu, go to save, but create a new save file instead of overwriting an existing file.


If none of those work, then you probably have access restrictions to the folder where Morrowind writes its saves. What operating system are you using, Vista, XP? And are you logged in as the admin?


If you can save files manually as suggested above, then you should go to your Morrowind saves folder (it's called "Saves" and is located right in your installed Morrowind folder) and delete the file autosave.ess, then try resting again. Also, you could try entering the game's options and disabling the "auto save when rest" option to see if that clears up the problem, but, of course, you may have to change your saving habits if you do this because the game won't autosave your character when you rest.


It also may help if we see the error messages exactly as they're displayed to you. Open the warnings.txt file in your installed Morrowind


folder and copy/paste all of its contents onto the forum.



I don't have a folder called "Saves" in my Morrowind folder so I can't delete the "autosave.ess"

from my game to see if it works.

and I have 3 saves right now.


I need help ASAP...



Im currently having the same exact problem, i tried what you said but i still cant find that save anywhere, also Im using windows 8, and windows 8 can be confusing i prefer the other windows OS.

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