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Thank you for putting your time into bringing mods to the Xbox one


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i already modded the heck out of my fallout 4 xbox
also to the modders who port a copy of there mods i thank you keep up the good unlike a lot of people who didn't appreciate that mods are finally on console so once again thank you modders and hope some see this message to see that there are some people who thank them a lot and not hate on them if there mod doesn't work :D
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I hope we get to see more mods from modders come to xbox one soon or when possible because i remember from skyrim to fallout nv to fallout 3 there are a lot of awesome modders out there and i have tryed a lot even for my skyrim game that shouldnt even run on my laptop(just luck i think).


But as I have stated on a youtuber Know as MxR who show cases a lot of peoples mods i just thought i put it out there like i say again i appreciate all the time you have put into allowing console users to use your mods and i Hope you keep it up.




To all the mod developers i thank you.

Edited by kiaba349
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''unlike a lot of people who didn't appreciate that mods are finally on console so once again thank you modders''

The problem is that people's mods are being stolen and that Bethesda's web page is so shitty a lot of modders don't want thair mods on that site.

A lot of people are also annoyed that mods now have to be less just so console players can get them, which is a fair concern.
I've personally never understood why anyone would ever buy a console when pc is superior is literally all aspects. I'm guessing it stems a lot from the hoax that a gaming pc needs to be expensive.

Consoles will never be able to keep up with pc, which is why mods on console almost always will bring a problem.

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Yeah, seriously, man. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.


I get that the guy wasn't referring to every pc gamer, but for someone who wants to get back at elitists, he sure is acting like one.


OP, it's guys like you, though, who make these growing pains worthwhile. I hope your attitude rubs off on your fellow console players, otherwise we will continue to see our best modding talent walk away in disgust.



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Yeah, seriously, man. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.


I get that the guy wasn't referring to every pc gamer, but for someone who wants to get back at elitists, he sure is acting like one.


OP, it's guys like you, though, who make these growing pains worthwhile. I hope your attitude rubs off on your fellow console players, otherwise we will continue to see our best modding talent walk away in disgust.



Well you didnt bother to read the whole thing im not just a console player i play alot of games on my pc that is if it can handle it, i played more fallout 3 on pc then console the same goes for fallout new vegas and also skyrim i played more on pc then console i may not be a hard core pc gamer like alot here but i do play different games compared to those on console since i can get better quality on the games i wanted to play on pc instead of on console.

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Well all i got to say is yes i boasted about console games and i havent taunted any people on pc i enjoyed a lot of developers on pc from mods i used on skyrim and fallout new vegas and fallout 3 there the main 3 games i enjoyed most on pc compared to console and i know a lot of people would see me as some dude going out his way to compare console and pc no pc is way better then any console i have but a majority of the time i would be playing on console since there some games i cant even run on my pc until i buy myself a new computer, and i agree most console players have become smug about getting mods on console and rubbing it in pc players faces even though pc games without modding systems also get modded so who cares, really all i got to say is that i enjoy both pc and console and i play different games on each


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''unlike a lot of people who didn't appreciate that mods are finally on console so once again thank you modders''


The problem is that people's mods are being stolen and that Bethesda's web page is so shitty a lot of modders don't want thair mods on that site.

A lot of people are also annoyed that mods now have to be less just so console players can get them, which is a fair concern.

I've personally never understood why anyone would ever buy a console when pc is superior is literally all aspects. I'm guessing it stems a lot from the hoax that a gaming pc needs to be expensive.


Consoles will never be able to keep up with pc, which is why mods on console almost always will bring a problem.

Yes i read about the pc gamers stealing from mod developers and then porting them to the console since they dont have any skills required to make there own mods for console i believe there really should be a sequirty type system that mod developers could lay out and let bethesda know or something like that to help protect there mods from thieves i hope it doesnt do the same for the skyrim remastered because it be terrible if more modders mods aqre been taking and used with out the right authority thats why i think when a mod is uploaded it should give a question or ask one and send a message to the mod developer if this person has the right and i believe it keep security up alot on mods porting to console.

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