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What happened to The Rebel by L0rd0fWar?


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I used quite a bit from L0rd, still use his NCR outfit. I have the Rebel outfit but it hasn't been updated(probably never will now), but I can understand his frustration. Precisely the reason I don't release my own person mods. I can see where he'd get tired of it, you release a gun and the wannabe gunphobes come out of the wood work saying "ZOMG DUDE YOU DON'T HAVE THE FACTORY SCRATCH ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE TRIGGER!!!" or "Hey great mod love it but could you make a FN99 357 from 1901 I have one in real life and I love it!". Then you get people who make armor mods like L0rd and Eli, "ZOMG WHERE IS IT I CAN"T FIND IT WHATS THE CONSOLE CODE!!!!!" or "Hey great mod love it, but could you make a slutty version so I can have them on my character, also can you make a bodyslide for it so it'll be compatible with my 140 inch DDDD size body?????"


I have mad respect for people like L0rd, Dogtooth, Eli and the rest of the "top" mods being able to put up with that crap day in day out, some even get death threats now cause of console users. OMG bring that to console please, I realize that it's not compatible and could break my system to which I'll hold you responsible for, but ermagerd I totes needs it!!!!.


Bethesda really screwed the pooch with console mods, but their biggest mistake was trying to officially support Mods on their own Bethesda mods are so clunky and an eyesore to try and find something that I just plain don't use it.

I think it is mainly a complaint department there now. I only go over there to post character images in the character thread. There are actually some decent human being in that one.


I constantly get asked in my images about the Rebel and Scavenged NCR armor and all I can say is sorry it was removed. Hopefully some day they will come back until then. I will only share my back files with people I trust and know that will not maliciously upload them just to get the mods back out there.


I thought I saw it over at *removed* the other day. blahhh I feel dirty anytime after going over there.


Would rather people didn't mention that place here, I'm sure you can understand why - TVD.

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Lots of people have it, but I'm a bit torn on the whole issue. It doesn't feel 100% right to distribute his mods when he has decided to remove them. But I also know how frustrating it feels to know that so many people are still using the mod and you can't have it. From my limited experience with L0rd, I'd like to think he wouldn't mind people sharing his work in private for a handful more people to enjoy, but that's not my call to make.

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FYI it would not be appropriate to share the mod/mods. It breaks the TOS for the Nexus as well. Your only way to properly get it is from the owner/author of the mod. As I understand it one of his major issues was not having control of his mods distribution.



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@wunderbot, you could share it with your friends but don't upload it on any public site, or with little search you could find them on Russian and Chinese sites, i am the one who gave them permission to upload it there in first place. anyway, i have deleted mods from nexus to keep assholes off my back, and so far it did good. i will not share any of my hard work with disrespectful idiots, they could have what i have done but they won't have any more. i will continue what i was working on, but i will make sure few will have access to it.

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@wunderbot, you could share it with your friends but don't upload it on any public site, or with little search you could find them on Russian and Chinese sites, i am the one who gave them permission to upload it there in first place. anyway, i have deleted mods from nexus to keep assholes off my back, and so far it did good. i will not share any of my hard work with disrespectful idiots, they could have what i have done but they won't have any more. i will continue what i was working on, but i will make sure few will have access to it.


Glad to hear. You're the author, so you don't really owe anyone justification for doing what you want with your own mods. Just don't let the asshats take your own enjoyment away.

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Well like Wunderbot said, it's your mod and your choice but I can only say as someone who is currenty enjoying your mods, (won't share don't worry) you have let the assholes win and shutout the decent folks.


Best of luck in your future projects, hopefully I can find them lol :p.

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I suspect it is because it was uploaded onto Bethesda.net without his express permission. You can hardly blame him considering.

Exactly you suspect, not that this is any way a fact so don't try starting a console hate thread as far as your little suspension goes I highly doubt this is a fact as I check Bethesda's.net mods periodically and haven't seen this mod uploaded. Also your theory no offense is highly lacking you're telling me that somebody who's probably been on Nexus for a while that's probably had his mods stolen way before Beth.net decides to completely erase all of his hard work and erase the fact that he was ever even on Nexus just becuase one of his mods was uploaded onto another site instead of just having the mod removed. If you can tell me this is from the horses mouth then I'll believe it.
Ok, first, I said I "suspect", because I don't know for a fact that this is why that mod page is hidden.

What I do know is that shortly before I posted I had just read through a thread on another site where mod pirates were discussing that mod, specifically - and they were discussing how it had been illegally uploaded onto Bethesda.net without LordOfWar's permission, and one poster in particular was encouraging the theft of our mods in similar ways.

Second, I am not responsible for what the conversation becomes after I post a reply which, to the best of my knowledge, was based on the evidence I had just seen. I am not responsible for other posters remarks (good or bad/ friendly /unfriendly) any more then I am responsible for your rudeness towards me.

If you know anything about me, you'd know I strongly oppose console-war language. So, I suggest you pull your head out and learn some manners.


yea don't be racist against consols!! they have rights too!! pfff geeks these days...well consoles sucks...and i rule! :p

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@wunderbot, you could share it with your friends but don't upload it on any public site, or with little search you could find them on Russian and Chinese sites, i am the one who gave them permission to upload it there in first place. anyway, i have deleted mods from nexus to keep assholes off my back, and so far it did good. i will not share any of my hard work with disrespectful idiots, they could have what i have done but they won't have any more. i will continue what i was working on, but i will make sure few will have access to it.

and this is how it started...my search for the legendary mask of the L0rd0fWar...a vast desert harmful for the eyes of the seeker...the great googledesert!!! pages after pages after pages,my finger clicked and clicked! a sound of a 100000 clicks!!! i came across a town with strange ninja names and colorful sings screaming virus! but i kept going!! until i found a secret door leading to a secret place with lots and lots of vodka!!! and then!!! nothing! because i didn't start the journey!


ahhh here it goes again... another lost treasure... i have to google the s#*! out of it... get depressed,lose 5-6 hours searching...this time is not the lost hd weapons for quake 2.or the lost enb series for Warcraft 3...or that epic bot\AI mod..or that alien from the movies hunted down by the movie company...or that cool halo mod for ut2004...this time is an epic mask,that makes my dude look epic....and all that because of some assholes...probably 12y toxic steam members..that have it all..mama i want this,and that,and all...or be miserable at aim in cod and ther father gives them an aimbot,to make them happy..and F the game up for as...


yes i know my comment is huge and full of dots... but i just wanted to get it out of me mind...

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I'm glad to hear that things finally calmed down for you L0rd0fWar, I always enjoyed your work since Skyrim and still enjoying your Fallout 4 mods but it's not my place or anyone's but yours to distribute them. Good luck with your other projects and hope that we will see you soon in a modding community that apprentices what people like you give and don't ask or complain about your mods like they are paying for them.

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