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So Werewolf dlc?


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So here is my thought,



so your just walkin along and out of nowhere a bunch of werewolves ambush you and knock you out, then you wake up in their lair and werewolves are everywhere and they plan on having a ritual where they eat you. but you (being the dragonborn) fight off all the werewolves cause your a freakin beast. but while your fighting them you contract lycanthropy. then after you kill them, your faced by the head werewolf. here he will tell you that you can fight beside the werewolves now because you have now become one. he tells you about the ongoing war between the vampires and lycans. He tells you to go speak with the vampire lord and find out any information you can about the vampires while your still human. Then you go visit the vampire lair. as you approach the lair you are ambushed by a bunch of vampires this time. When you wake up you are faced by the vampire lord. Here he will tell you he has bitten you while you have slept. And will tell you, that you are now in the army of undead. Now this is where you have a choice. you can either find a cure for vampirism or Lycanthropy. Or you can not find a cure for either of them and become a WerePyre. If you choose to find a cure for vampirism then you will join with the lycans and have a bunch of quests that eventually lead up to a big fight agains the vampires in the end. if you choose to find a cure for lycanthropy then you will have a bunch of quests from The vampires which eventally lead up to a big fight against the Werewolves. But if you choose to find a cure for neither, then you will try to find others like you. You search all around and find a small camp of werepyres. Here there is only about 10 werepyres but their epically amazing. and then you have a quest line for them eventually leading up to interuptting the final battle between the vampires and lycans and destroying both(but not completely because of their infection to humans. Lastly if you choose to find a cure for both vampirism and lycanthropy, then you will find a group of vampire and werewolf slayers. Here you take quests from the head slayer (Van Helsing) which eventually lead up to interupting the final battle between the werewolves and vampires and destroying both armies( but not completely)

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The core fan-base of Skyrim only makes up a small portion of the people who will buy the game, and only a portion of that fan-base were counting on werewolves being in the game.


We'll see what happens, but I think getting your hopes up for werewolves is just setting you up for potential disappointment later.


If it doesn't happen, and some of you are outraged, you'll have only yourselves to blame for creating your own expectations separate from what's been announced.

Edited by xaliqen
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The core fan-base of Skyrim only makes up a small portion of the people who will buy the game, and only a portion of that fan-base were counting on werewolves being in the game.


We'll see what happens, but I think getting your hopes up for werewolves is just setting you up for potential disappointment later.



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Games are, first and foremost, a business. You forget that at your own peril. If people producing the game and the publishing arm at Bethesda believe a werewolf-centered DLC won't sell well enough to justify the cost of production, then it won't happen. In addition, if a different concept is projected to sell better, than it will get made instead. People work on incredible games throughout the industry, but profit drives decision-making in a very real way. Don't expect anything until it's announced, and you won't risk disappointment.

Edited by xaliqen
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