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Body texture problem...


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I don't know what happened, but the boobs of my character completely f***ed up...

There is just a huge line running across the screen from characters chest... Don't know whats wrong, how can i fix this?


I really dont want to re-install... took me a whole day for these mods...







Edited by esdchan
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Pretty weird though. I was using clothing that worked fine then all of a sudden a few days later I got that stretching and had to install one of those skeletons.

The clothing that worked didn't have the BBB requirement so worked fine with the vanilla skeleton.nif -- the exposed body armor does have the movement in the area so requires the modified skeleton for the animations and since it is missing those vertices are not attached to anything and thus stretch off to intinity like that.

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But, the weird part was that I WAS wearing BBB stuff for a while and there was no problem.


Even more strange, BBB animations just suddenly appeared on my Lineage Cosplay clothing, and I don't even have the required animations installed.

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Sorry for being off topic, but whats that mod in that last screenie were you hold your sword differently? Edited by TheMysteriousTraveler
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A question Ghoulz ... you haven't recently tried BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton by killermonkey99 (or the previous version based on Coronerras skeleton) by any chance? I've had some odd effects, similar to the 'boobs to infinity' effect but subtly different (well I think different, though I must admit I've never had the true 'boobs to infinity' from using the wrong skeleton ... something to put on my todo list).


- Edit - To esdchan ... Did the skeleton change fix your problem?

Edited by Striker879
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I tend to be pretty anal about what a mod adds and what it overwrites, hence my aversion to OMODs (although you can unpack the OMOD and examine the files and folders it includes). I have seen mods that include a skeleton as part of their download (and here I'm talking about armor/clothing mods). Could be you fell victim to an unintended swap due to something like that. Here's an example of what I'm referring to: NSFW Corinthian Gladiator armor for HGEC by FxC. To be fair, the skeleton is mentioned in the mod description and it is an older mod, from a day when tail bones on skeletons wasn't standard equipment, but you could download and install it today. I know a lot of people don't give mod descriptions or install instructions more than a cursory glance, and not many carefully examine the files and folders before installing.


- Edit - to add the Not Suitable For Work before the link

Edited by Striker879
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