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Survival Mode effects in Hard Mode


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so I have been doing some searching, and I have found many mods where you can re-enable certain things that survival mode turns off. What I have not been able to find, however, is a mod that lets you bring certain things from Survival mode into normal or hardcore.


Does anyone know of a mod that will bring certain aspects into other modes of the game, most notably hunger, thirst, diseases, and exhaustion.

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so I have been doing some searching, and I have found many mods where you can re-enable certain things that survival mode turns off. What I have not been able to find, however, is a mod that lets you bring certain things from Survival mode into normal or hardcore.


Does anyone know of a mod that will bring certain aspects into other modes of the game, most notably hunger, thirst, diseases, and exhaustion.


I'm confused. You found a mod that returns things you want to Survival, but instead rather bring Hardcore things to Very Hard? Sounds like you got what you want.


But this probably won't happen as Survival items, such as food, diseases, are regulated by a quest. To do what you'd want, one would have to rebuild Survival from the ground up. Your best bet, would be do find/use/create mods that make Survival more of the way you want it.

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so I have been doing some searching, and I have found many mods where you can re-enable certain things that survival mode turns off. What I have not been able to find, however, is a mod that lets you bring certain things from Survival mode into normal or hardcore.


Does anyone know of a mod that will bring certain aspects into other modes of the game, most notably hunger, thirst, diseases, and exhaustion.


I'm confused. You found a mod that returns things you want to Survival, but instead rather bring Hardcore things to Very Hard? Sounds like you got what you want.


But this probably won't happen as Survival items, such as food, diseases, are regulated by a quest. To do what you'd want, one would have to rebuild Survival from the ground up. Your best bet, would be do find/use/create mods that make Survival more of the way you want it.


Not specifically trying to self-promote, but my mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13054/? actually somewhat does this now. The working in non-survival is actually currently accidental and not yet fully supported. I'm working on a rewrite that will more or less completely take control of Survival and allow most (all just flat out won't work as some are handled by native code, disabling fast travel the way Survival mode does for starters, though its still doable) features to be used in any difficulty. Since its not purposely supported, there are bugs with it, but I'm hoping to get those squashed soon.

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if you just want to change damage variables then you can actually do that too
AFAIK that's the main thing
there's also the saving issue, but...

"Just use the RuleBreaker holotape added into your inventory at startup and you can enable/disable most Survival options to make your playthrough a little more bearable. Should pair well with my Journey mod or Gopher's Quicksave mod to make your Survival a more unique experience."

basically, if you get the saving problems, and the damage done to you and damage done by you stuff dealt with, change that to very hard's variations, then you've basically got your survival mode functions in very hard mode, because that's basically the main difference for what you're asking for I think
also use maduin's journey for fast travel, because that's also important

so TLDR: maduin's journey for fast travel
some mod to change survival mode damage to very hard's damage levels (or hardcore or whatever, is there a hardcore mode? I didn't even know, or is this just a renaming of old survival mode - POINT IS: just get a mod that changes damage rates to the difficulty level that you want them to be)
a quicksave in survival mode mod (or whatever save in survival mode mods you like)

those 3 types of things will give you what you want, survival mode already exists whereas recreating it is a bit nutty, kinda like going around a mountain to hike up to the top when it's identical on the side you're already on so that you can just hike straight up there

Edited by tartarsauce2
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let me clarify.

I was playing survival mode, and really liked it except for certain elements.


1. Fast travel being disabled. No problem, re-enabled that with a mod.

2. Saving the game. This is what really turned me off. There are several mods where you could do a quick save. Each time you used it, the previous quick save was overwritten. So I completed the DLC for Automatron, and then read about about a way to get different dialogue from the last boss based off of what your wearing. I decided that I would go back to a previous save and try this out. Much to my dismay, there was only 3 saved games listed. The one where I left the vault, The previous quick save, and the last time I took a nap....


I continued to trek on with survival mode anyway, then royally screwed up the radio at the castle. (I figured out a great way to totally screw up freedom radio). The normal solution would be to go to a previous save, but guess what. I couldn't because it was overwritten.


I started playing on very hard, but find that I am missing the survival elements......


so I want survival mode but I want to be able to save when I want, and have as many saved files as I want...


I hope this explains things. am I missing something? is there a mod out that would help me achieve this?

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2. Saving the game. This is what really turned me off. There are several mods where you could do a quick save. Each time you used it, the previous quick save was overwritten. So I completed the DLC for Automatron, and then read about about a way to get different dialogue from the last boss based off of what your wearing. I decided that I would go back to a previous save and try this out. Much to my dismay, there was only 3 saved games listed. The one where I left the vault, The previous quick save, and the last time I took a nap....



Survival Menu Save Enable. Problem solved.


Same as WhiskeyRiver I'm using this one for saving. Already made around 40 permament saves in Survival Mode.



I also recommend:

MikeTMs Survival Rebalance

Customizable Needs ''plus'' Realistic Aid Side Effects

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I use this mod for Survival saving (strictly manual, sadly): http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11542/?, and there's an .ini tweak you can do to adjust the number of available save slots, though I can't remember exactly what/where that is at the moment.


^ This is what I'm doing too.


fallout4.ini setting:
Considering the possibility of save corruption or quest problems, it's nice to have real backups sometimes.
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