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Everything posted by JTL2

  1. To clarify for anyone having issues: Create a Copy of CreationKit.ini in your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4 folder and rename it CreationKitCustom.ini. Open your newly created CreationKitCustom.ini file. Delete everything inside and copy the following code: [General] bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 Save and exit Notepad. Re-launch Creation Kit (if you left it running). Cheers!
  2. That's not the right Actor. You need to find an Actor called "Workshop Bot" or something to that effect. It's the Actor template which all Automaton bots are based on. If you change that to Essential, then you should get what you want. Though most Workshop Bots require Robot Repair Kits, and I believe Inspirational removes the damage you do to companions.
  3. If you're running the Achievements mod, that would do it as well. I have been using it, and it tricks Fallout into thinking your not modded. If the F4SE Masters integrating something like that into their work, all the better.
  4. What happens if you remove the mesh or texture? I don't mod armor, but when I've seen them, there's a list of body parts each armor piece is connect to. What if you disconnect it from the head, or assign it to something else?
  5. I'm out of cookies, so I want some elves to. Mmmm, chocolate.... :tongue:
  6. If only I could opt-out of updates on Steam. That's the real issue. I've opted out of betas, but now Steam as released version 1.5.211, the beta F4SE (which I was using) is for 1.5.210. But now, I've lost the Achievement mod until F4SE gets updated. :confused:
  7. I'm confused. You found a mod that returns things you want to Survival, but instead rather bring Hardcore things to Very Hard? Sounds like you got what you want. But this probably won't happen as Survival items, such as food, diseases, are regulated by a quest. To do what you'd want, one would have to rebuild Survival from the ground up. Your best bet, would be do find/use/create mods that make Survival more of the way you want it.
  8. I use Survival Mode Transition Save as a sort-of checkpoint system, helps you not feel like your entire "day" is wasted because of a lucky shot from a raider. And if you want a more immersive role-plays character options you can try SPECIAList (*cough cough*). Oh, and I have become a huge fan of War of The Commonwealth. Nothing says Survival Mode like everywhere you turn there is something waiting to kill you. Wether it's ferals wandering through Concord, or a Supermutant Behemoth who stopped by Red Rocket for breakfast. Yes, I literally woke up and there a Behemoth wandering around outside! It was awesome.
  9. But before you could even download the Creation Kit, you had to log into the Bethesda.net launcher at least once. And when you did that, it asked to link your Bethesda.net account with your Steam account. That is what I am referring to.
  10. Nope. It's practically identical. There are a few changes, like the Perk Tree which annoys me (cause my mod is a perk overhaul). But for the most part, everything is where I expected it to be.
  11. Did you try using the GECK? In my mod I changed the PA frame Enchantment easily, and was able to get it to work no matter what power armor suit I used.
  12. I've rearranged how the Perks appear on the Perk Chart, and they're not aligned. So all I need to do is align them. I can't find a placement tree (like Skyrim CK had), so I'm thinking it might be in F4SE territory.
  13. I think you can load Stimpaks in the Syringer and shoot them with that. I've never tried it, but I heard you can do it.
  14. Looks like I need to take some Mentats to. Thanks for the suggestions!!
  15. What your asking is probably a violation Bethesda TOS (reverse engineering assets from the game), and may even be a violation of Nexus TOS (even though you haven't uploaded yet). Just a heads up.
  16. How does one actually make a mod using/requiring F4SE? I've looked using the SKSE, but I cannot find anything on how to make a mod with it. Just how to install it and use mods that require it. I'm working on a mod for FO4, and I think one of the problems I'm dealing with will require to F4SE to fix. Is this going to be possible, or will only the Silverlock team be making mods with F4SE? Thanks.
  17. Ah, the lovely "grey areas" of US and International Copyright law. I use to work in an office building which housed a Copyright Law Firm. One day in the elevator, I asked him about "parody" and "homage". He basically said, "Yes, a grey area is technically legal. But be prepared to defend it in court. And remember, the IP probably has better, more expensive lawyers than you do, and often it'll come down to that." In other, we was saying, "Don't do it." In the world of parody, "Weird Al" Yankovic always gets permission from the song writers and performers before doing a parody of their work. Not because he has to, legally, but because to him, it's a professional courtesy. When his album, "Straight Outta Lynwood" was released, the label for his parody "You're Pitiful" fought him over it. He had the blessing of James Blunt, so instead of fighting in court to release it on his album, he released it online for free. My point is, even if you're "Weird Al", don't expect you just because you call it a parody, or a court somewhere said parody was okay, that the IP's lawyers won't come after you. But in this case, since you're pretty much a nobody with no money, they'll go after the Nexus. And, as was mentioned by many others, Nexus TOS overrules any and all interpretations of copyright law we may have.
  18. I don't know if this is a bug, or what. But last night I noticed that building a small Generator did not list out the required components, whereas the Medium, Large generators did. I thought it was related to a mod, so I went through the turn off random mods steps. Still nothing. I turned off all mods (and WW), still did not show components. I jump in on another character, and that one didn't show required components for Small and Medium generators, only Large. Anybody know what's going on?
  19. I would only care, if you actually bring life and character to the role. Instead of the nice/rude/sarcastic hero options have. There's been a talk about doing "alternative start"/evil mods, so you could check with them.
  20. I think, it's the "stripped down" consumer version of the program they use everyday. But I think it took so long because they knew they had .5 updates to do, and they knew each update would probably break mods, so to keep us from complaining "the #&^% update broke my mod" (not that it stopped us :laugh: ), they waited until the game was in a more fixed/stable state to release modding.
  21. Wouldn't be surprised if people use other sites to share those mods, or by getting your XB1/PS4 username and sharing that mod with you. Ever since the dawn of time, it's always been NSFW stuff that drives technology. Bluray one the HD wars all because the porn industry backed Sony over MS/Toshiba. What a world we live in...
  22. Hello everybody! I got my hands on the GECK last night, and I started working on some redoing some of the perks, and I noticed there is no way to rearrange the perk trees, like there was with the perk trees in Skyrim (Character > Actor Values > Skill > Perk Tree). As a test, I changed the SPECIAL requirement for Lone Wanderer to Charisma 1, and Caps Collector to Charisma 3. And when I reloaded the game, I found it had rearranged them for me automatically. However, they were not aligned properly. Lone Wanderer was up and to left, his feet didn't touch the "shelf" and Caps Collector sat much lower than it should be. Has anyone found where the skill/perk tree is now, to be able to realign them manually? Is this something I should look for in xEdit or F4SE? Thanks in advance! Cheers.
  23. What could it hurt to publish? Publish away, I say!! Edit: Unless your using "illegal" assets. Then it's best to keep that one to yourself. :tongue:
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