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Trying to solve a nasty bug when certain materials become black for weapons.


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I don't know how to explain this, but this has happened to me every time. In XCOM 2 UnrealEd, I setup the weapon materials and it looks fine, but when I load it to the game, the materials of the weapon turn black, and I can't customize it.

Turning off the tint in the Material Instance Editor with the parent as WeaponCustomizable_TC seems to fix the bug, but now I can't apply any solid colors on the weapon, but I can apply camo and colors to the camo.

What's even weirder is having my M16 mod active fixes that issue, but I don't understand why.

I've verified my cache, but the problem doesn't go away. I also removed the mods so that Modbuddy doesn't detect the mods during shader compiling, but that doesn't do anything.

Anybody has any ideas on what's going on? I'm at my wits end here; I've tried everything that I could possibly think of.

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" I also removed the mods so that Modbuddy doesn't detect the mods during shader compiling, but that doesn't do anything."


Based on this, I'm not sure if you did this or not. You must delete ALL mods from ... SteamApps\common\XCOM 2 SDK\XComGame\Mods before you build EACH mod in ModBuddy. This is because of a defect in the SDK in handling art assets.


If you have multiple mods in that folder during builds they will sometimes end up sharing modshadercaches, which is why it is working when you have another mod active (that one has the right shadercache and is supplying it to both), while the other one isn't getting it built-in.

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