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Can someone tell me how to add textures to a mesh in nifskope?


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1. Click on BSShaderTerxtureSet which should be under NiTristrips or something that starts with N

2. Under Block Details expand Textures

3. Click on the thing that looks like a purple flower, it might have a path next to it

4. Navigate to the new texture.


Also under Render->Settings make sure your paths are set. If your textures are in c:\FNV \Data\Textures\My supergun\laserB then the path in the rendering setting should be c:\FNV \Data\.

Also in step 4 when you navigate to the texture make sure you delete anything before Textures.

c:\FNV \Data\Textures\My supergun\laserB = Bad

Textures\My supergun\laserB = Good



Try to find any tutorials that cover meshes or texture changing. Most will cover this using pictures.

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Adding meshes is as simple as dragging the nif files over into the GECK....in their correct subcategories. Statics shouldn't be dragged into effects, for instance. The nif files must also be in the "meshes" folder of your data folder so the game can find it.
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There is a tutorial called "My first Vault" on Bethsoth fallout site. Read it and you will know everything you need to know about how to place objects into the game world. Also do a search for tutorials that convert FO3 mods to FNV then you will know everything you need to know about getting new objects into fallout. Moving weapons or armor from FO3 to FNV is easy but explaining it not so much. Even though I have added many objects to geck to be used in the game I still have to look at the tutorial almost every time I add something because I can never remember the camera controls to move stuff.
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