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Wanna Talk About Lore Breaking In Fallout 4?


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Pew Pew is a unique weapon in FNV and I love that game. In the original Fallout the Alien Blaster was found only by a random event. My very first Fallout character found it but none of my later characters ever did. I have played them all and I have to agree it feels dumbed down. I feel the same way about society as a whole. It seems to me the average person is significantly less intelligent than they used to be.


It's a problem everywhere. The more acces people have to information the dumber and lazier they seem to get. I mean, just look at the help requests here in the forums and the way some problems are presented, "hey i installed mod x and now game crashes help plz" did you even read the discription, did you even try to google "Fallout 4 mod install crash" ?


It is even worse on news forums and people replying to articles. They come up with the wildest most elaborate claims. It gets even worse once they start using historical examples taken completely out of context or just plain false. To dumb and stupid to even google before they shout something completely ridiculing themselves. And do not try to correct them with hard facts and links without a doubt proving the opposite of what they say is the thruth. No they'll just dig themselves in and throw up barricades instead of admitting they might have interpretated things wrong.


It's so easy these days to read up on something, inform yourself at least a tiny bit and get your facts straight about a subject before you start shouting, but apparently that is to much effort. Offcourse in the heat of battle anyone can mix things up or react to fast on a subject but at least i'm never to proud to admit i have it wrong if i'm presented with other verifiable facts.

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Eh the fusion core lore really wasn't important. Like yes they changed it in fallout 4 but it's not like it actually affects the history/story of fallout.


It doesn't affect anything in any way.


It's not like they said the Master never existed or something.

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Eh the fusion core lore really wasn't important. Like yes they changed it in fallout 4 but it's not like it actually affects the history/story of fallout.


It doesn't affect anything in any way.


It's not like they said the Master never existed or something.

they claimed potatos and tomatos went extinct even though they've been seen in 3 and NV, and vertibirds and the X-01 are in no way pre war.

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I have had to stop writing a comment check facts and look for supporting evidence before continuing. Then the reply is just so stupid I wonder why I bothered.

This site has some smart people able to make intelligent conversation. Some of the people who log in to make a request are just so out of their depth its quite comical.


The X-01 does kind of break lore. It was developed by the Enclave after the war. It made sense finding it in an underground military base in the Automatron DLC. What its doing on top of a commercial building in Boston is a mystery

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People didn't get less intelligent. Internet just makes it a lot easier for the dumbest people to find a platform for their terrible opinions. You just tend to remember the worst people a lot better than the good ones.

Guess you are right about that lol i have become quite the cynic sometimes and have to keep reminding myself, we all had to start somewhere.

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actually for a while there dumb people couldn't even figure out how to get onto the internet, so for a while there was a per capita surge in relative intelligence of the average person you'd communicate with if you stuck to online communication
but this was like before 2010, and was rapidly changing even in 2000
granted, it seems to have had a quadratic property where absolute mongoloids have taken over at places because social media is noob firendly and I really wish it hadn't but oh well

oh and remember when fusion cells were the heavy unit of pewpew ammo, and the energy cells were the small laser weapon ammo?
plasma and laser rifles would use fusion cells as would the car, and the gattling laser, energy cells were used by the ripper, the power fist, mega power fist, super sledge as well I believe (although I can't remember entirely)
actually one of the things that disappoints me is precisely that those more powerful melee items don't in fact use ammo
and flamers while a small damage boost would've improved the things, well, like, a lot needed to be done in general with heavy weapons and melee balance, should've kept the blocking system intact - lorewise you could have some seriously packing super mutants for instance so that they're not an absolutely pathetic (without wasteland arsenal) faction of useless goobering green orcs, but like an actually potent if lore-wise stupid enemy - after all running up and smashing something works fine when you have good armour and a hunk of junk to hold up in front of your face as a barrier to bullets

blocking's not bad for FPS, return to castle wolfenstein used it and it made for an amazing game at times (the undead skeletons had bulletproof shields so you'd have to shoot their feet or head, or toss a grenade/dynamite) - funny thing, the FO4 engine is the same as Rage's, and ID software is under bethesda or zenimax now... so basically it'd rehash one of the mechanics from their better games from back in the day

anyways, fusion cell (fusion core in this case, it seems fusion cells are the new fusion core AND energy cell these days) usage in power armour is new for power armour, but the glowing sea reminds me of "the glow" for those who are in the know, and I don't mind it at all

I made this thread a while ago, don't necro it I guess, but look into it, it's got some ideas for how to fix the issue of factions being "meh useless whatever" because I totally get that FO4 is a lot like an FPS and less like an RPG in an important sense

Edited by tartarsauce2
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Eh the fusion core lore really wasn't important. Like yes they changed it in fallout 4 but it's not like it actually affects the history/story of fallout.


It doesn't affect anything in any way.


It's not like they said the Master never existed or something.

they claimed potatos and tomatos went extinct even though they've been seen in 3 and NV, and vertibirds and the X-01 are in no way pre war.


Well the enclave vertibirds in fallout 3 had gatling lasers and mininuke bombs, the ones in fallout 4 just have machineguns and side mounted miniguns. Perhaps the fallout 3 vertibirds are more advanced, enclave improvements on the pre-war vertibirds. A new model.

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tomatoes and potatoes went extinct because they were outcompeted by a new hybrid of the two, called a tato
because FEV GMO
just accept it.
the master screwed up a lot of things for everyone
also nukes, but mostly it was the synths who are actually ghouls in disguise using a lot of white lacquer paint while continuing to induce you into a radiation coma so they can devour your flesh


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Well, Fallout 4 is mediocre s#*! for a lot of reasons but the alien blaster having a standard ammo modification is not one of them. The alien blaster from Fallout 1 took small energy cells, and it was specifically said it had been modified to do so.

The bigger issue is that if Mothership Zeta is canon there should be no more crashing UFOs because the aliens have been kicked off planet. At least in New Vegas it looked like the aliens had been there a while.

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