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Once you get Skyrim...


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I'll be fricking plugged into the Matrix starting from November 11.


I can only hope that Bethesda has installed some sort of failsafe into Skyrim, like an NPC that tells you "THIS IS A GAME, YOU NEED TO EAT AND SLEEP IN REAL LIFE TO SURVIVE" when you've passed one week of consecutive game time or something.

Edited by Adrius2
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I'll be playing it all weekend with very little sleep until i have to pry myself away from the game and go to work. ='( After that though I will be checking the nexus all the time to see how mods are coming along. =)


Honestly, between work and school ill have about 2-3 hours everyday or so to play. That is NOT a lot of time.... I'll probably be reading the forums in class and at work on my phone to hold myself over

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Well, I already dont get more than 2 hours of sleep a night, and already have to work infront of a computer for extended hours on whatever project I have at hand. It will just be a matter of arguing over who orders pizza each day (because neither the gf or myself will be cooking anything). Its okay though because I got pizzahut and dominos.com bookmarked.


Will I log on here though? Once I beat the main questline sure. I don't want to stuble across a spoiler during my first round through.

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I'm gonna get trapped in it for 40 years like robin Williams did in jumanji


Only difference is that the 40 years in Skyrim will be epic. :P

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