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How do you make friends?


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So no more disposition wheel. How do you befriend someone? And marry? I hope it's not just, raise disposition, ask out, get married.


All relations, friends and other should take time. Do we have any news on this?


Regarding 'how you marry' see this video interview with Matt Carofano @ ~1:48 min (put on an amulet to signal interest):

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Wow, that guy was freaking out haha. He could barely contain himself... Anyway, that sure seems like a cheap-ass way for Bethesda to go about showing interest...put on an amulet? Really? :dry:
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the host is an ass .. hes never played a TES game in his life and even said in an interview he has been making jokes about it just to get on the fans nerves .. but when he wrote the preview he started to realize how big the fan base is and how serious a lot of us take it then quickly changed his tune .. it was sorta a funny preview too .. I just hope he doesn't go back to making penis finger jokes ~_~; .. hes like the troll of video game reviewers.
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the host is an ass .. hes never played a TES game in his life and even said in an interview he has been making jokes about it just to get on the fans nerves .. but when he wrote the preview he started to realize how big the fan base is and how serious a lot of us take it then quickly changed his tune .. it was sorta a funny preview too .. I just hope he doesn't go back to making penis finger jokes ~_~; .. hes like the troll of video game reviewers.

So what he says is true or false?

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everything Matt says is true .. I'm just saying that the distructoid host sucks and is easily the most anti tes reviewer out there .. hes just sucking it up and forcing himself to be nice in this interview.


Edit: btw I'm sure I'm being harsh on the guy and he might really be a fan and just has a bad taste in humor .. but I just find him annoying and he doesn't take his job seriously at all.

Edited by jedimembrain
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I just hope that making Friends will just be a Friend thing, then if you want to get serious, You or He/She will offer the Love Amulet that involves Kissing and Holding Hands and Marriage. :unsure:


If anything weird with me happens like that in the Game, i will Sell the Amulet and go Assassin on the Guy/Girl. Im a Loner, just me and the World. :pirate:


I wonder if the whole Love and Marriage thing is just You and your Partner, because i really hope i dont see Same Sex NPC in the Game. :confused:

Edited by daventry
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Two guys going out for the night, one of which just spent the past week playing skyrim


One's waiting for the other.


"You ready yet man?"


"Hold on a sec got to get one last thing"


"Man you take longer than a fking girl, whats taking you so long?"


"I almost forgot my amulet"


"Your what?!"


"My amulet, it tells members of the opposite sex that I am interested"


"You're kidding me right? Where the hell did you get an idea like that?


"SKYRIM!!! And being that this is supposed to be a realistic RPG I figured that it must have some factual basis here."


Now for the question, how the hell is this not an immersion buster? God I hope this is the first thing that gets modded out of the game.

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I just hope that making Friends will just be a Friend thing, then if you want to get serious, You or He/She will offer the Love Amulet that involves Kissing and Holding Hands and Marriage. :unsure:


If anything weird with me happens like that in the Game, i will Sell the Amulet and go Assassin on the Guy/Girl. Im a Loner, just me and the World. :pirate:


I wonder if the whole Love and Marriage thing is just You and your Partner, because i really hope i dont see Same Sex NPC in the Game. :confused:


I really hope you grow up one day and stop being so homophobic .. or go to a bigger city and get your ass kicked for saying it in public. :dry:

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I just hope that making Friends will just be a Friend thing, then if you want to get serious, You or He/She will offer the Love Amulet that involves Kissing and Holding Hands and Marriage. :unsure:


If anything weird with me happens like that in the Game, i will Sell the Amulet and go Assassin on the Guy/Girl. Im a Loner, just me and the World. :pirate:


I wonder if the whole Love and Marriage thing is just You and your Partner, because i really hope i dont see Same Sex NPC in the Game. :confused:


I really hope you grow up one day and stop being so homophobic .. or go to a bigger city and get your ass kicked for saying it in public. :dry:


I see no problem with some lesbian action!!! Honestly whatever floats your boat. I dont get what the big deal is, if you dont like seeing gay npcs, just kill em. I mean thats what us dunmer did to the lizard folk in morrowind :D

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