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Beast legs or feet.


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  • 3 weeks later...

The Khajit are kinda explaned, as the ones in Morrowind were a particular sub-species favored as slaves by the Dunmer... The Argonains on the other hand i don't really get... Maybe the Hist decided they were too ungangly and redesigned the entire species between Morrowind and Oblivion.


I'd like to see both have their Morrowind style legs back, but i feel it would be more appropriate on a seperate Khajit entry, representing two different varriations.

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Yes, please!


Took me around 5 days to mod my argonians in Oblivion, till i liked their overall look, but it was worth it! I was really dissapointet after i saw, that Bethesda did the same thing in Skyrim again ... Ok, this time they got at least better heads.


The downside on those mods i used on Oblivion was, that i (and NPC) coudnt use boots anymore, but i dont care about boots if my PC looks like i want him ...

Edited by Cyrotek
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