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Problem with Two Mods

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Overview: I have two mods which I really like. One is Realswords- Nords, and the other is Local Guard Features. In summary, both effect the Bruma guards' armors. I had all other realswords packs, plus Local Guards, with no problems; However, it seems that Realswords - Nords overwrites armor changes in Bruma that were made by Local Guard Features.

Question: Can someone with experience please patch these two mods so that they will work together? I honestly like the helmets added by Realswords too; And making it so that Local Guard Features allows the Nord pack to add its helmets wouldn't be a problem for a patchmaker, because Local Guards actually leaves in some vanilla guards to mix it up a bit. I would do it myself, but I tried and failed. (I tried to make Captain Burd have his updated armor from Local Guards - Which was overwritten too and I want the new armor back badly - And I tried to make a guard with armor from both mods. Neither of these minor solutions worked.)

Final Statements: I really want somebody to help me with this predicament because these mods and their makers really are amazing. Whoever would help, if they would, would have to replace the vanilla-kept guards from Local Guards with Realswords - Nords winged helmets and swords. This would make Bruma truly epic. (In case you are wondering if I have contacted the modmakers, I have messaged them to no avail. One never answered and the other never replied after giving me a suggestion which I couldn't understand.)


Even if you can't help me, thank you for taking the time to read this. :smile:

Links: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45517/?

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I think there is a simple fix for this. You might have heard of something called "Wrye Bash" or "Bashed Patch". In a simple explanation, a "Bashed Patch" will take things such as NPC Inventories, Leveled Lists, and Vendor Inventories. I myself had encountered this problem with some skyrim mods. I had 1 mod that added crossbows to Imperial Legion NPC's, and another mod that adds a whole bunch of weapons to all NPC's (Skyrim Heavy Armory). the crossbow would overwrite Heavy Armory, and vice versa. So you download wrye bash and follow the guides to create a bashed patch and it should fix the compatibility issues. Here is Wrye Bash: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/22368/?


EDIT: If It doesnt work or you need help, tell me and I'll try to the best of my abilities.

Edited by Manus812
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I use both Realswords Nord and Local Guards Features myself, though I can't say for certain if I've noticed any of the Bruma guards sporting the winged helmets or not (don't get to Bruma much).


Something I'd like to add to Manus812's suggestion is to use BOSS to sort your load order. Even with the use of bash tags load order is still the number one thing that decides what the game will display (so if two mods have the same bash tags then the one lower in the load order will be the one that gets included in the bashed patch).


Not sure if I have a save from near Bruma ... if I do I may pop in to see who is wearing what and report back.

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"I think there is a simple fix for this. You might have heard of something called "Wrye Bash" or "Bashed Patch". In a simple explanation, a "Bashed Patch" will take things such as NPC Inventories, Leveled Lists, and Vendor Inventories. I myself had encountered this problem with some skyrim mods. I had 1 mod that added crossbows to Imperial Legion NPC's, and another mod that adds a whole bunch of weapons to all NPC's (Skyrim Heavy Armory). the crossbow would overwrite Heavy Armory, and vice versa. So you download wrye bash and follow the guides to create a bashed patch and it should fix the compatibility issues. Here is Wrye Bash: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/22368/?

EDIT: If It doesnt work or you need help, tell me and I'll try to the best of my abilities."


I am going to download that and try it out but I will need instructions. Will it let me add different equipment to different NPCS?

"I use both Realswords Nord and Local Guards Features myself, though I can't say for certain if I've noticed any of the Bruma guards sporting the winged helmets or not (don't get to Bruma much).

Something I'd like to add to Manus812's suggestion is to use BOSS to sort your load order. Even with the use of bash tags load order is still the number one thing that decides what the game will display (so if two mods have the same bash tags then the one lower in the load order will be the one that gets included in the bashed patch).

Not sure if I have a save from near Bruma ... if I do I may pop in to see who is wearing what and report back."

Did you have a save near Bruma? Did you see what I was talking about?

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Yes and I had a look and didn't see any guards in winged helmets. Then I looked at what I had installed from Local Guards Features and remembered I edited that esp and changed some meshes for others from other mods I have and so I don't really know without a lot of investigation what are Local Guards Features original stuff and what is my tweaking. Was getting late last night and I'm busy getting ready to go away for most of the summer today and tomorrow (where I won't have access to my gaming machine at all type "away").


I should have posted a report, but all it would boil down to is "I don't know for certain". Best bet for you is to use BOSS to sort your load order and then build a bashed patch in Wrye Bash and see what happens.

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You're wrong there ... I edited tbskGuardsFeatures.esp myself, plus I replaced some of the armor meshes to ones I preferred. It was quite a while ago so I can't recall what all my ESP edits were, think the armor replacements were primarily for female armors for Viera Lerus in Bravil and a female guard added by Brotherhood Renewed in Bruma.


After you install BOSS and Wrye Bash run BOSS from the icon down at the bottom of the Wrye Bash window (just left of center I believe) and once BOSS is done right click on the bashed patch that will be at the bottom of your mod list in the Mods tab and select Rebuild patch from the right click menu. I use the CBash option myself, but the other should work just as well. Don't change any of the options on the next dialogue and hit Build Patch. You'll get a couple of further dialogues that report what has been done and once everything is finished (give it some time) close WB and see if it has helped.

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1. You shouldn't of done that! The armor parts adds cool Nordic Boots and these awesome Nordic Winged Helmets. One is a traditional one, one has a chainmail facemask, and another has a plate facemask.

2. There were "patch" options in the normal Wrye Bash, but it wouldn't let me use them. It said they were not able to be patched.

Edited by idontmindstarwars
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I edit things to suit my taste, not someone else's taste.


Unless you have read and understood all of the meanings/reasons for the different patch options I wouldn't mess with them. Bash tags may be of some help, but where two mods use the same bash tags load order determines the winner of any conflict/overlap.


Sometimes you will find you either need to accept what is provided or learn how to modify it to your liking. That won't happen in 10 or 15 minutes, with a few posts or PMs.

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