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Vertibird Assistance!


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I would love to see a mod that makes it so when you throw a smoke grenade, a vertibird will come to the rescue shooting the minigun and/or firing rockets blowing away my enemies like I am signaling for air support! Please someone make this mod! Everyone will love it I am sure! Many thanks in advance!

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| In the vanilla game you'll eventually be able to buy Vertibird signal grenades from the BoS, Minutemen and Railroad. If you're specifically looking for a mod then I suggest trying out the Vertibird Beacon by Butterqup: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14729/


While I'm not sure if they're compatible, I'd also suggest downloading either of these two mods to make your Vertibirds a bit more formidable.

Durable Vertibirds by utherix:



Vertibird Overhaul by KataPUMB:



Hope that helps, OP! |

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