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Aurlyn Dawstone News


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Figured I might as well post another one of these here, since Reddit SkyrimMods now hides all of my posts by default. In light of Bethesda's blatant disrespect and disregard towards all Mod Authors, as well as their inadequate stance against mod piracy on their platform, I've hidden Aurlyn's Nexus page. She can still be downloaded from her website below. I hope this storm passes quickly, and that they actually listen to us, and fix everything up. But, I have a feeling that this is just the beginning of a very long and drawn-out crisis...


Why is it that we can't go two weeks without someone trying to exploit the modding community? It really sickens me...


Oh, and here's the link to her site. Enjoy!



Edited by mlee3141
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I can understand the frustration, but I can't help but wonder why you are hiding a Skyrim mod from NexusMods due to Fallout 4 mods being stolen on Bethnet. With NexusMods not being affiliated with Bethesda in any way, it is a rather odd choice of action, in my opinion.


However, it is of course your choice to make. :thumbsup:

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First of all, I'm just tired of all the drama, and one crisis after another. Second of all, they basically spurned all mod authors in general, and I don't care what platform/ game they're on. Third of all, it's a public statement of some weight that shows disapproval for their actions. I hope that you understand my actions better now.

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OK, if I have this straight;


Person 'A' makes a mod. Person 'B' (who had nothing to do with the creation of said mod) decides to port the mod for console use, then sticks out their hand asking for donations for all the hard work involved in hitting the 'upload' button.

Mod authors (Person 'A') get pissed off (and rightfully so) and complain to Bethesda, Bethesda then says 'File a DMCA claim for now, and we'll work on streamlining the process' and people are upset about that as well.


Is that an accurate?


If so, I have two questions;

1) If a mod is ported for use on consoles, but credit is given to the mod author and donations go to the mod author and not third parties, is there still a problem there?

2) Why are people mad that Bethesda is telling them to file a DMCA claim? That seems fairly standard to me. I make YouTube videos (on a channel besides the one I use for gaming) and if someone uploads one of my videos to their channel and I don't want them to I have to file a DMCA claim. And Bethesda even said they're working on streamlining the process... they can't fix everything over night.

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OK, if I have this straight;


Person 'A' makes a mod. Person 'B' (who had nothing to do with the creation of said mod) decides to port the mod for console use, then sticks out their hand asking for donations for all the hard work involved in hitting the 'upload' button.

Mod authors (Person 'A') get pissed off (and rightfully so) and complain to Bethesda, Bethesda then says 'File a DMCA claim for now, and we'll work on streamlining the process' and people are upset about that as well.


Is that an accurate?


If so, I have two questions;

1) If a mod is ported for use on consoles, but credit is given to the mod author and donations go to the mod author and not third parties, is there still a problem there?

2) Why are people mad that Bethesda is telling them to file a DMCA claim? That seems fairly standard to me. I make YouTube videos (on a channel besides the one I use for gaming) and if someone uploads one of my videos to their channel and I don't want them to I have to file a DMCA claim. And Bethesda even said they're working on streamlining the process... they can't fix everything over night.


I'll answer question one, I don't think it right to upload someone else's mod to places the original author didn't intend for it to be, namely someone posting a mod on bethesda.net that came from the Nexus, it doesn't matter if the uploader gives credit to the author, they should have asked for permission first, it is common courtesy which is something a lot of these uploaders and their defenders lack.

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It's the fact that they have made 0 preparations, nor have they put facilities in place on bethesda.net to tackle or confront such issues. I'm sorry but when you're designing something like that, which potentially FACILITATES the distribution of stolen content yet doesn't even acknowledge an attempt to combat it in the very base design ... when they had months (and it wasn't difficult to predict as a possibility) then that just shows you how little Bethesda cares about the modders. Note, the one's who give their games the longevity. I just hope it doesn't kill a large chunk of the community off.


Part of me really hopes they don't announce the skyrim enhanced edition or whatever it's going to be called, at least until they have protocol and commitments in place.


Also thank you for the heads up mlee3141, I won't be able to play a modded skyrim for some time, but I will download your mod in preparation. Looks fantastic by the way :) please don't be put off by the state of current events!

Edited by BobbyP92
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@ ml3141


Thank you for bringing this to our attention, i had no idea! I can understand you and it's funny how companies try to take down entire webpages that host "pirated link", while when companies host "pirated files" it becomes an issue of lesser interest, because it's not THEIR files involved.


I am no modder, but exactly since i can't make the simplest thing, i understand that you are feeling being stripped off your effort and work. I imagine that the repercussions of this are greater than what they appear now, in view of the "remastered" version of Skyrim for consoles, that will allow mods. So if this Bethesda policy continues, i imagine the whole content that is currently on Nexus, can be ripped, repackaged and uploaded to Bethesda's site as "original content" by these new "internet enterpreneurs-vultures".


You have my moral support. Bethesda actually used the mod authors to finish her game (think USLEEP) and make it playable (think vanilla archery, non destruction schools being not viable etc). The modders brought cashflow to Bethesda for years. I am a late comer to Skyrim and the reason i bought it, was because of the mods and i am not alone. This fact alone, should make Bethesda care more about the modders' rights.


EDIT: I am not sure whether removing your files from Nexus has any practical effect against all this, but i suppose it's a form of protest...


P.S.: Sorry for my bad english, i hope i was understood.

Edited by Legedur
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